24 April 2015

Farm Girl Vintage..... Yee Ha!

Last week, we had a very exciting delivery of Lori Holt books, her first one 'Quilty Fun' and her brand new one 'Farm Girl Vintage'.  As regular readers of my blog will know I am a HUGE Lori Holt fan.  Her fun colourful quilting blocks are a joy to piece and her clear instructions turn what you may think to be a difficult block, in to something easily achievable!  Now before I had time to blog all about them, the books sold out, do not fear however, we have more on order due late next week! 

I thought, just in case you were not familiar with her books, it would be nice to show again some of the projects that I've made from the Quilty Fun book.....

and here's the 'Have yourself a Christmas Quilty Fun' nearly complete quilt top I made as part of Lori's Christmas QAL on Instagram.  It's waiting patiently for its borders to be added (I have a certain fabric in mind that I want to use which is due to arrive in the next month or so from this years Christmas fabric deliveries...sad I know and sorry that I've mentioned the C word in April!!!!!) and then I plan on hand quilting it, so fingers crossed it will be finished in time for this Christmas! (eek sorry the C word again) 

So I am sure that there is no surprise that when Lori announced that there was going to be a Farm Girl Vintage Quilt Along, she had me at hello!  So this week, I started pulling my fabrics in readiness.....
Amongst lots of over things, I'm going to make the sampler quilt on the front cover and I want it to be as bright, cheery and colourful as the one shown.

Indeed Lori's use of colour and fabrics throughout the book is simply you want to take a peek......
(I can see Poppy's Dolls bed finding a new purpose when's she's finished with it!)
So here's what I've pulled so far, there's a mix of 30's repros, polka dots, stripes, gingham and pretty ditsy florals.....some of my favourites... there's Pam Kitty, Bonnie and Camille, Judie Rothermel, Sevenberry and of course Lori's own fabrics!  This is the starting point, as I know I'll probably add to it from my stash, plus I know there are new fabrics coming in, including some from Lori's new collection 'Modern Mini's' that will have to be included...

Some of you have been kind enough to email me asking what fabrics I was going to be using for my quilt and whether they were going to be available on the website as bundles.  So after much deliberation, Mum and decided the best way to do this would be to put them together as colour themed Fat Quarter bundles, so that you can add to your existing stash...... here's what they look like.....

and you can find them on the website HERE.  I don't know about you, but I am so excited to get started!  I'll be posting my blocks as I make them on Instagram and I'll do regular updates on here, oh  and I almost forgot, if you're quilting along with Lori, don't forget to use the hashtag  #farmgirlfridays so that she can see.

Have a lovely weekend!

16 April 2015

Tilda Brick Quilt Number Two

Possibly one of the most loved quilts in our house is the brick quilt I made back HERE, however, I can not tell you how many disputes there have been over who gets to snuggle under it!  I therefore decided many months ago, in order to maintain peace and harmony within the family, to make another.

Using a mix of pretty Tilda fabrics and following THIS METHOD, I pieced the top together way back in October last year and then I ashamed to say,  it sat in my sewing room waiting patiently for me to finish it.  After yet another squabble, I finally picked it up again a few weeks ago, sandwiched it, quilted it, stitched the binding and then before you could say 'Jack Robinson' it was swiftly nabbed for snuggling duties! With the Easter holidays over and having restored a little order, I thought it was about time it had it's photo taken.......

The fabrics in the main were from the Tilda collections Happiness is Homemade and Tiny Treasures, with a few of my favourites thrown in for good measure!  For the binding, which did of course have to be stripy, I used Kitchen Stripe Blue.  I backed it using Sally Brown, I LOVE this fabric (I had to join two lengths together as it wasn't quite wide enough).

I can honestly say, this is such a fun quilt to make and speaking from my own personal experience is perfect as a beginners project!  If you would like to have a go at making one and would like to use the same fabrics as me, Mum and I have put together a limited number of quilt top packs on the website HERE... Don't forget you can find my 'How I made my original Brick Quilt' blog post HERE and there are also some handy step by step instructions for the different stages of quilt making on my Quilt Along blog page HERE.

Thank you as always for visiting and happy stitching!
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