25 May 2017

Easy Peasy Charm Square Quilt (Part 1)

One of the most frequent questions we are asked in the shop (after 'do we do alterations') is 'How big would a quilt be made with a Moda Charm Pack?'  So having been asked this very question a number of times in recent weeks, I thought it would be useful to make one up...there's nothing better than actually seeing the finished article, rather than being shown the measurements...don't you think!   

A Moda Charm Pack is made up of a selection of 42 squares from a collection, each one measuring 5".  

I chose a Poetry Charm Pack for my quilt and having decided to keep this really simple I left the squares as is and laid them out in 7 rows, with 6 squares per row.   This part probably took me longer than it actually did to sew them together!

I chain pieced the squares, using a 1/4" seam allowance and followed the same method as I used for the bag front in my Patchwork Tote Bag Tutorial, which you can find HERE........there are lots of photo's so if you're a beginner it's worth a look.  As usual I had Aurifil 50wt in my machine.

For your information, if you decided to stop at that, once bound this portion of the quilt would measure 27" x 31 1/2" aprox.  Obviously you could change the layout to suit your project.....  you may for example want to make a table topper.

As you can see, I decided to add a border to my quilt.  I chose a pretty pink tone on tone floral from the Poetry collection and from this I cut four 5" strips across the full width of fabric.  If you're purchasing the fabric for the border, you would need to add 3/4's metre (3 units) to your basket....sorry 1/2 metre is not quite enough, but you will have leftovers for another project.  Alternatively you could cut the border slightly smaller if you wanted to get it out of  1/2 metre.

I then added the side borders first, cutting away the excess fabric and then the top and bottom borders.

I then layered up the quilt with my wadding...I used 100% cotton wadding and for the backing I used a pretty pink polka dot again from the Poetry collection, 125cm (5 units) is sufficient.   I spray basted on this occasion, but you can read more about this part of the process HERE.   I decided to hand quilt mine using Aurifil 12 wt ..... and chose a simple crosshatch design across the charm squares and then straight lines spaced at 1/2" intervals around the border.  I marked all of the lines using my trusty Clover Hera of my favourite quilty tools!

I'll let you in to a little secret, the quilt went perfectly with my Made for Baby blog tour post make (you can read it HERE) ....however look very closely and you'll see that some very strategic photo's were taken as I hadn't actually sewn on the binding..tee hee!!

When I eventually got around to stitching the binding, I used a pretty floral stripe, again from the Poetry collection.  I cut four 2 1/2" strips full width of fabric.  If you're purchasing fabric, you will need to purchase 1/2 metre of fabric (2 units) but you will have leftovers.  Alternatively, cut them at 2 1/4" and that way you'll get them out of a long quarter*.

* A little happy note......... as standard when 1 unit is added to your basket we will always send 1 Fat Quarter (FQ) .  We are however quite happy to send a Long Quarter (LQ) BUT you must add a note in the Special Instructions section at checkout to let us know that this is what you would like.

I added the binding following my usual method, which you can find step step instructions for HERE.

I thought you may like to see the back of the quilt with all my hand stitches (ignore the crease down the centre's been folded patiently waiting for me to write this post!)........ 
 The finished quilt measured 36" x 40 1/2" aprox.

Obviously I couldn't stop at just one Charm Square quilt, so I decided to make another.......

.....but more about that another day!

If you do make the quilt, please do send us a picture mum and I would love to see or alternatively if you're sharing on social media, please do use the #alittlehappytutorial.

See you again soon with pictures of my next Charm Pack Quilt....oh and in case you were wondering..... NO we do not do alterations...I can't think of anything worse!

Happy Stitches!

18 May 2017

Happy Flower Quilt-A-Long Update

Well doesn't time fly when you're having fun!  Mum (Penny) was on holiday last week, so I was definitely doing my whirling dervish act to ensure that all our parcels full of loveliness went out on time.  Plus we had SO many new deliveries which I need to catch up on.  However despite being extremely tired...I find it impossible to sit and do nothing on evening so I managed to play catch up with my Happy Flower Quilt blocks.  I decided for all of these to needle turn's a close up for you.....

The fabrics in the main came from our huger and ever growing range of 1930's reproductions from the shop, plus a few came from my own stash.

I couldn't resist placing all the blocks I've made so far together....
They are looking so pretty don't you think?

I know I keep saying this, but I will be back soon...I have so many projects to share with you!!

Happy Stitches!

5 May 2017

'Made for Baby ~ Cute Sewn Gift' Blog Tour

Thank you for joining me today on the 'Made for Baby ~ Cute Sewn Gifts' Blog Tour to celebrate the release of the ever so lovely Ayda Algin's fabulous new book, published by Tuva Publishing.  I have followed Ayda for quite some time now and have been in awe of her beautiful photographs and makes, you can see these on her Blog: Cafe No Hut.  I was super thrilled when she asked me to join the Blog Hop...honestly you should see the line up, I feel quite giddy!

Obviously as soon as Ayda announced that she was writing the book, I had it on preorder for the shop. When my advance copy arrived ...thank you Ayda and Tuva Publishing ..... I can honestly say it exceeded everything that I hoped it would be.  Included are 22 gorgeous projects including bibs, blankets, soft toys, wall hangings and lots more.  It's worth knowing that there are several projects that would be great for anyone and not just for those with a baby, for example.... place mat, fabric boxes, drawstring bag and Mums carry-all bag (a lovely tote bag).   
Having spent an age mulling and drooling over the photographs and was so hard to choose.... I finally decided to make a Chime Bear.  I chose a pretty floral from the Durham Quilt Collection by Lecien....and some woolfelts to co-ordinate.
 The instructions were great and easy to follow.

I chose to hand stitch the woolfelt appliques and for this, used co-ordinating Aurifil Lana Wool threads. I also used a lovely shade of Heathered Licorice Lana Wool for the embroidery details, rather than embroidery floss.
Ayda adds such sweet little details to all of her patterns and as well as the little ribbon tab, I love that there is a bow around the bears neck....don't all the best dressed bears wear bows?  I went for a contrasting Ice Blue velvet for mine.

Ayda launched the Blog Tour on Wednesday and is running a fabulous Giveaway, so make sure you pop over to her Blog to enter.  Jemima shared the first project yesterday, she made a really fun cushion and I am very excited to see what else is made throughout the tour!  Here's the schedule:

Jemima Flendt
the @tiedwitharibbo
Sarah Edgar
Lisa Cox
@aspoonfulsug is
Ange Hamilton
Lauren Wright
@mollyand me
Melissa LeRay
Minki Kim
Faith Essenburg
Kristin Esser
@kristin_ess is
Lauren Guthrie
NEW @guthriegh
Bridgette McNay
Torie Jayne
@toriejayn to
Constance Cabral
Stacy Olson
Caroline Husle
@sewcarol to
Nadra Ridgeway
Wynn Tan
was founded in May.31
Sedef Imer
until @downgrapevinel
Lauren Nash
Jennie Pickett
Amy Sinibaldi
I @amysinibal
Kim Kruzich
@retro_ me
Elea Lutz
Samantha Dorn

Thank you again for joining me today.
Happy Stitches!
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