12 June 2020

Catching up


Today there is great excitement in the Edgar household.  As I type, we have plumber here installing new showers in both our bathroom and ensuite....we have had no hot water in either of them since February.  The new showers were mean't to be fitted on the 24th March, but then lock down happened.  Obviously we are all keeping our distance from the plumber, but I think without a doubt, there will be an orderly queue forming the moment he is gone, to have a hot shower...what a luxury!

I have been happily stitching away since I last wrote...I'm still working on my new quilt design: Sarah's Sampler..but I've also squeezed in some other new projects for a website update in a week or two.  These include a new colourway of our popular Garden Cuttings Embroidery kit, in gorgeous blush pinks and grey/greens.  I have so many pink roses in the garden this year, I think all the rain we had in January and February, followed by all the glorious sunshine, has made for a good roses year I think.

I've also stitched a new Christmas heart with a little jolly robin sat on some holly.  You may remember from my Instagram and Facebook posts the Gingerbread Felt cookies I worked on over the Christmas holidays... I like to add something new to our box of decorations every year.  Well, I've finally been writing the pattern for them.... they, like the robin heart, will be new kits....

I have to confess that I have fallen a little behind with my #sewalittlehappinesseveryday sampler... but I am still stitching away and enjoying every moment I spend with it.  Apart from the bottom left corner, it is nearly all full.  The grid has changed slightly from the one I drew originally, to accommodate ideas as the weeks have gone by.  Thank goodness I marked my grid with water soluble pen!  I am looking forward to filling my squares, so that I can start on the hand quilting.

Did you know, it is World Embroidery Day on the 30th July.  I thought it would be fun to celebrate this, so I have designed a new felt pin cushion, on the lines of my original Little House Pin Cushion, which you can find as a FREE PATTERN here.  I am imagining a little cabin in the woods, it has shiplap boards with a tin roof.  Outside a pink climbing rose is surrounding the porch and ivy and ferns grow up around the sides..............  I'll be publishing the free pattern on the 30th July here on the blog and prior to this I will share a sneaky peek of the completed cabin.  We're going to put some felt bundles together and some gorgeous Aurifil Lana Wool thread packs of my favourite colours, although you could of course use embroidery threads if you prefer...but more of that another day.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me sorting out my sewing room.  We've decided that we need to put a single bed back in to it for house guests (when we can have them stay again!).  Luckily, when we had a new combi boiler fitted earlier this year it freed up the cupboard on the landing where our enormous water tank use to be, so it's going to become my sewing/craft cupboard.  I am in two minds as whether I am looking forward to getting it sorted or dreading the process...I have a lot of stuff crammed in to what is not a very large room at all..but I do wonder what treasures I might find!!  I'll share some photo's once it is sorted, but if you would like to take a peek of what it looks like now (although ever so slightly messier!!!!) take a peek HERE.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, full of happy stitches,
Sarah xo
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