28 August 2013
24 August 2013
Making memories....

What a fantastic two weeks we have had. It was like a holiday from my childhood, each day spent on an uncrowded beaches, eating picnic lunches, with little or no mobile/internet connection. I spent many hours day dreaming, making plans, stitching and crocheting, watching the children swimming and belly boarding. Together we made sandcastles, went crabbing and ate 99's. We laughed, talked, drank wine and without a doubt, all three generations enjoyed each others company. For all of us, it was a holiday full of happy memories, could you possibly ask for anything more?
Goodbye Norfolk, see you next year!
9 August 2013
This week ......
...... I made a bag
I took some of my lovely little Tilda scraps
and cut them up into little 2" squares
and then I sewed them all together
I added some pretty lace, mother of pearl buttons, some pretty handles made from some more lovely Tilda and then....
I lined it with a pretty sea green polka dot and used a another piece of Tilda for the back
Oh how I love my new bag, it is just perfect to take on holiday with me, but wait......would you like to see what I put inside?
Exciting isn't it........
Are you ready..........
Here, you go.........
Something new for me, gorgeously soft, pretty yarn. I have for a long time been envious of peoples yarny creations. I love reading Attic 24, Mary Jane's Tearoom, Coco Rose Textiles oh the list goes on. I was however the other day on Pink Milk and there was a link to this shop and I just went for it. To be honest I had no idea what I was going to make or how much I would need, I just picked a selection of pretty colours. (Isn't that waht you are mean't to do?) Ater much deliberation, I went for Drops Muskat Cotton, which, when I purchased was on offer so I believe it was fate.
After playing with the scrummy balls of loveliness, (quite honestly I get so much pleasure just doing this) and seeing how the colours worked together, I realised I needed to have some kind of plan. So I found my copy of Crochet magazine that the lovely ladies at Molly Makes had given me when we went to see them at Stitch earlier this year, packed my crochet hook roll that mum had made me and I've decided that I am going to have a go at Granny Squares
I'll let you know how I get on, I hope I can do it, I'm rather liking the idea of a nice snuggly lap blanket!!
Right must dash, there are sand castles being planned as I speak!!
7 August 2013
Be thankful, always.....

Sometimes it the smallest things that bring a smile to your face, for example watching the bees and butterflies in the garden, or knowing that some little bugs are nice and cosy in the bug house they have made their home or gathering and sowing seeds, my favourite job in the garden. Or when for no reason the children just come and give you a cuddle or tell you that they love you. Or when as I did this week, walked in to our living room and found a tea party in full swing or when I peeked through the window and saw the children very industriously cleaning their skateboards. It's the little things like these that make up for all those not so nice times...... you could be forgiven when reading my blog for believing that I live in a perfect house, with a perfect family, with a perfect job and we are all perfectly happy at all times..... if only.... wouldn't that be..... perfect?
As a parent you do everything you can to protect your children, to make them grow up feeling happy and safe, learning and discovering, knowing right from wrong, maybe at times you create a bubble which sadly from time to time bursts and they discover that life isn't perfect, which this week, my son has found out. The reality is that not all houses and families have the same rules and that is absolutely fine. Our family rules mean saying NO to him going out to play at 9pm when some friends came to call, which has subsequently resulted in him being teased and ridiculed. He had no problem with this because naturally he was tired, he is after all just 9 himself. It has however caused him great upset that his 'friends' could be so horrid. What can you, and do you say to make it better, when quite honestly all you actually want to do is to go and knock on the parents door and ask them what do they think they are doing letting their children roam free at that time of night...do they not watch the news??? Then you step back and think, maybe I am being over protective, I think back to my childhood, I was certainly out playing with friends at an earlier age than I let my son out, but it has to be said, certainly not at that time of night. But sadly things are different now, or maybe because of news coverage, we know so much more.... I have come to the conclusion that all you can do is do what you think is best and best for us is sticking to our family rules, which mean that I get to sleep at night (mostly) and know that whilst I have some control, my young family is safe and sound. It is fair to say I think the teenage years are going to be a challenge.
It was rather apt that I had sketched this design, just the day before, I hope that this sentiment will mean something to you too. ..........
and here's the finished embroidery, with the addition of a few extra flowers. I love the cheerful colours, this bright colourful scheme is fast becoming my favourite.
I used just three stitches, Back Stitch, French Knots and Lazy Daisies, which were sewn with Pearl 8 cottons. I think another alternative would be to stitch these leaves using Satin Stitch, I wonder what you will choose to do?
As always, I love the texture the French Knots add to the embroidery.
My favourite part of the design is the little clusters of French Knots on the whispy green stems. I used two shades of turquoise and the effect is so pretty, I shall definately be incorporating this into future designs.
Anyway on another happy note, we're off on holiday on Friday...whoop whoop!!! I can not wait. I will be taking some embroidery with me, I would lost with idle hands. I am also taking something new, something that has been on my to do list for ages, but more of that in the next few days, to say I am excited, would be a HUGE understatement!!
I hope you're all having a lovely week.
4 August 2013
Jamie and Poppy's Pizzeria

We followed a simple recipe that I had been given at a Bread making evening a few years ago:
500g strong white flour
5ml sea salt
7ml dried yeast
45ml olive oil
330ml water
and you simply mix the flour and salt together, make a well and add the yeast followed by the water and then mix together to form a dough adding the olive oil and if necessary extra flour or water.
The children loved this bit, getting really sticky fingers and then seeing the sticky mixture forming a dough. We gave Poppy a little help, but Jamie did 99% of the process all by himself, he had clearly been paying attention the the 'Hollywood's' kneading action! What was even more fabulous, without even realising because they were having so much fun, the children did a bit of maths and science too.
Whilst the dough was left to rise, Andy and Poppy went into town to buy a new paddling pool. Our old excuse for one had seen better days and the new one is a huge improvement. Jamie and I meanwhile made the tomato sauce. I have a set of very sharp knives, so I must admit I was slightly nervous watching him, but he listened and together we chopped up the onion and garlic and with lots of supervision cooked the sauce.
The pizza's were a massive success and pudding, freshly picked raspberries....delicious!! What a great way to spend quality time as a family, we're definitely going to do it again soon.
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