30 November 2013


The weather has turned noticeably colder this week, don't you think?  Poppy like me gets really cold hands, really quickly, so I decided to rustle up some pretty hand-warmers for her.  Inside the pretty covers there are little muslin pads filled will long grain rice ( I read somewhere that you must use long grain rice) and you simply pop them in the microwave for around 45-60 seconds and they heat up.   I also seem to recall reading that you should put a egg cup full of water in your microwave as just heating up the hand warmers can damage the microwave....I'm not sure if this is true, but there you go.   I would also add, for the next pair that I make...I'm going to add a little dried lavender to the rice, I'm hoping this will add a lovely aromatic, (rather than them smelling of cooked rice) I'll let you know if this works.

Looking outside whilst sewing, this was my view this week......... (makes a mental note to clean the windows!)

Have a lovely weekend!



  1. What lovely hand warmers! I suffer from frigid fingers too...and I just received the Bake Sale layer cake as a birthday it looks like I have a new project! ;-) Chrissie x

  2. Ooo lucky you Chrissie...I love all the Bake Sale fabrics, gorgeous!! Sarah xo


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