21 October 2014

A little happy..... Patchy Heart Quilt Along Introduction

Hooray, my low volume, patchy heart quilt is finished,  so as I mentioned in my last post if anyone would like to join me, lets have a little happy Quilt Along.   There's going to be lots of pictures and tips of how I made this it so even if this is your very first quilt I hope you may feel encouraged to give it a go!

So if you would like to join in, here's what we're going to make.......

It's a very simple design, made up of alternate blocks of 4 patches (4 small squares stitched together to form a larger square) and plain blocks, each one with the addition of a raw edged appliqued heart. The quilting is in straight lines following the edges of each block and to finish I've added one of my favourite stripey bindings.
So how is the Quilt Along going to work, I hear you asking.... well for the next four weeks, I'll break down the making of the quilt into four easy stages....

In week 1, we'll cut out all that we need for the quilt top and stitch the 4 patch blocks.

In week 2, we'll make the heart blocks and stitch the quilt top together.

In week 3, we'll layer and tackle the quilting.
Finally in week 4, we'll add the binding.

Obviously you can choose to make the quilt at what ever pace you like, there's no pressure to keep up at all.  My intention is that at whatever speed you go at, you ultimately enjoy the experience, with the added bonus that you'll end up with something pretty.

To give you an idea of size, the finished quilt measures 38" (97cm) by 44 1/2" (113cm), making it a little lap quilt or baby quilt.

So if you fancy joining me, these are the materials that you will need:

For the quilt top
  • 15 x 'mini size' pieces or a selection of patterned fabrics of an equivalent size (25cm x 35cm) from your stash
  • 1m of Kona Cotton or a complimentary fabric, you will have a little left over for future projects 

For the binding
  • 4 x 2 1/2" strips by the full width of fabric (If you are purchasing fabric, you will need just over a quarter of a metre, so to ensure that you have enough, you will need to purchase 1/2 metre of fabric, leaving you with just under a quarter of a metre of fabric for future projects.

For the backing
  • 1.25m of  fabric, at least 110cm wide. 

You will also need
  • 110 x 125cm piece wadding/batting  
  • 25 cm x 90cm wide Bondaweb

So here's the schedule for the weekly posts (I'll update these to include links as we go) :

I hope that you'll join me and if at any time you need any help, just get in touch and I'll do all that I can to assist.  Oh and so that I can take a peek, if you share any pictures on Instagram or Facebook please do use the hashtag:


Back soon!



  1. This is a lovely idea. Would like to join in but just not sure I can keep up! X

    1. Thank you Anne, I would love it if you joined in and there's no pressure at all to keep up, just sew at leisure and enjoy!! xo

  2. Aww, thank you so much Jooles! xo

  3. This is a great idea Sarah! I'll not commit to anything (because I'm horrible at staying with something like this), but will definitely follow along and perhaps get inspired. Your heart quilt is really adorable!!
    Wendy x

    1. Hi Wendy, thank you so much for your lovely comment! Please do follow along and I hope that you enjoy. Sarah xo

  4. I just found you through IG and I love all your makes! I will definitely be making this quilt, but probably not at the same time :-)

    1. Hi Michelle, thank you so much for visiting my blog from Instagram, I love it on there. I hope that you enjoy the quilt along and please do send me some pictures when you've made your quilt I would love to see!! Sarah xo

  5. So beautiful Sarah - I'd join in if only there were 8 days in a week ! Have fun, Kate x

    1. Thank you Kate, that 8 day week gets my vote too!! Sarah xo

  6. Yay, thank you Sarah. Count me in but I will possibly be a week behind-work does so get in the way of fun!. I will put my order in for the wadding thingy and the material for the back-so looking forward to week 3, it all seems complicated even though I have read books about it all.
    Really grateful and thanks again.

    1. Thank you Helen, that work thing a necessary evil! ha ha. I am so thrilled that you're joining in and if you have any questions while quilting along, just get in touch! Sarah xo

  7. Fantastic idea! I'm in! I have so many fabrics in my stash, I'll enjoy putting some together for the quilt! Chrissie xxx

    1. Hooray!! I look forward to seeing what you make Chrissie, thank you for quilting along. Sarah xo

  8. Looks lovely - I'd probably need 40 weeks to make this quilt!

    1. Thank you Gillian, it's great fun and it's really quick, honestly!! Sarah xo

  9. I have started a quilt ( I mean I have cut out 200 of the 400 squares I need!!) but I will need help with the quilting and binding so I will stay tuned, I have always bodged quilts together in the past so I need a bit of instruction. Jo x

    1. Thank you Jo.... my goodness that sounds like alot of squares. I hope that you find the quilt along helpful and please do pop me a question if you have any questions along the way. Sarah xo

  10. I won't be joining in, but I will enjoy watching and learning more! It is a beautiful quilt and I am sure that anyone making one will love it!! xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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