27 October 2014

An Autumn Cowl Ta dah!

I am sooo excited to have finished my latest crochet project, a lovely Autumnal cowl (can a girl ever have to many scarves!)  I started off using this pattern, but I made my foundation chain far to tight so I had to add about 15 extra chains stitches.  I've subsequently read, but sorry I can not for the life of me remember where,  it's a good idea to use a hook one size up.  I'll definitely try this next time.

I decided to stop at 30 rows, the pattern says 45 and on the face of it, all was going swimmingly well.......

...... that is until you looked at the join in the back.....humm I need a lot more practice.  So what to do....I pondered for a few days..... and a few days more.....
.....then I had a little brainwave.  I made a little strip and found a pattern for some crochet flowers in an old Molly Makes, and ta dah......
 no more gappy seam!
 I am so pleased with it!!!
I used Drops Muskat from my stash in the following colours:

09 Light brown
34 Pink
39 Heather
40 Coral
41 Bordeaux
51 Warm Yellow
61 Light Beige

I am also pleased to report that it is very soft and snuggly to wear...look away now if you're of a nervous disposition, awful selfie coming up!

Thanks as always for visiting my blog and for all your lovely comments on my Patchy Heart Quilt Along.  I'll be back on Wednesday with the first installment.

Hope to see you then!


  1. That is just the kind of solution I find to a project. It looks fab. To keep a straight join next time use a stitch marker or a paperclip to mark your row end so that you know when to do your two chains up for the next row. Hope that helps. Jo x

    1. Thank you Jo, I had some stitch markers come with my Crochet magazine this month, so I'll try that next time. Sarah xo

  2. What in ingenious solution! So pretty, love the colours X

  3. Well it's just gorgeous Sarah, and such a lovely way to overcome that little problem! And the selfie looks great to me, you're very pretty! xoJoy

  4. a stripy cowl ; Love it!!!!! your flowers idea is so clever!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  5. That's lovely Sarah, the flowers just make it!! I'm looking forward to following the Quilt along. I'm not actually going to make it, just try to learn the techniques for when I'm able to do it. I'm studying lots of books at the moment to try to learn a bit more about quilting too.
    Lovely photo by the way :) xxx

  6. Your cowl is gorgeous and what a good idea to make the flowers and strip to hide the joins. It looks great and is totally unique. Health to wear!

  7. This is so gorgeous! Such beautiful colours and I agree with Jooles...the flowers really do make it something special.
    Marianne x

  8. Beautiful colours,and it does look so soft and warm! It just takes a little bit of creativity to correct imperfections, and your idea is great :) Wendy x

  9. Hi Sarah,

    great solution! :) I've tried lots of ways to make joins in the round a little less visible and there seem ("seem" - geddit?) to be many alternatives, some of which are completely OTT. This is one of the more logical ones I've found on my travels and it works a treat:

    1. Thanks Debbie I shall take a look!! Sarah xo

  10. Sarah you are so clever - its absolutely gorgeous, and such a cute way to finish it all off ! I'm not surprised you're so pleased with it.
    Kate x

  11. The colours are gorgeous and it looks very warm and cosy. The flowers were a lovely solution, very clever. x

  12. I love this Sarah!!!! you are so clever!

  13. Gorgeous! The colours are so lovely, and your 'mistake' with the join actually makes this a *much* prettier cowl! If only all of life's little errors resulted in something so beautiful... ;-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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