I have for some months been feeling the 'need' for a Christmas quilt in my life. Then last month, we had a restock of Elea Lutz gorgeous Christmas range Little Joys, so I swiftly cut a selection of fat quarters to come home with me. Time constraints meant that I needed to keep it simple, and lets face it the fabric is soooooo gorgeous I wanted it to be the star of the show. I contemplated 4 or 9 patches, surrounded with sashing, but then had a complete change of plan and went for an even more simple layout 196 squares, surrounded by borders and cornerstones. I love it.....here it is........
I backed it using a super soft Stof Ginghams... plus they are extra wide, so no need to join lengths....win win. The binding is the plaid from Hazel, which picks up on the greens in Little Joys perfectly. I can not wait to snuggle under this one in the holidays and I know it will bring much pleasure for many Christmases to come!

If you would like to make your own Simple Squares quilt, I've written a FREE 'little happy' pattern which you can find HERE.
I hope that you're all finding time to do some Christmas crafting.... I'm so looking forward to the school holidays and doing some festive making with Poppy and Jamie! First though, there is the little matter of a Movie Birthday party to arrange to celebrate Poppy's 8th Birthday.
Back soon!
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