7 March 2016

1930s Farmer's Wife QAL ~ #49 Katherine

 ....and quick as a flash it's my stop on the Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt-Along again!  My inspiration for my colour choices for this weeks block were taken from this pretty selection of Aurifloss.  I was restocking the Aurifloss shelves in the shop last week and I guess it was no surprise that these Spring like shades needed refilling.  Taking their lead I picked my fabrics, the pretty floral is Blossoms in Apricot from 30's Playtime by Moda and the gorgeous gingham's are both from Windermere by Brenda Riddle again for Moda.

One of the things I love most about this ongoing project is the number of techniques that I have used to piece my blocks.  For this one, I simply used quilty maths to work out the dimensions of the pieces, rather than using the templates provided with the book.

As you can see, I also cut the pieces as squares and rectangles......I have found historically the most accurate method for me when piecing HST and Flying Geese style blocks is to draw a line on the diagonal.......
... and then sew down it, press to set the seams, trim away the excess allowing a 1/4" seam allowance and then press open.  

For more inspiration for today's block, hop over to Kerry's to see her version of Katherine and to drool look at all her amazing blocks! Or to read more of my Farmers Wife tips, take a peek at this post here and finally follow the hashtag #fw1930sqal to see everyone's blocks on social media.

See you next time (hangs head in shame, was it really 2 months since I last blogged, I really must try harder....I have bought myself a pretty book and new pens so that I can plan and write lists....lets be honest..... pretty stationery and list writing always helps.......why hadn't I thought of that before!)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

Update July 2020: Unfortunately, due to a large increase in spam and inappropriate comments, I have turned on 'Comment Moderation', so your comment will not appear immediately. My apologies for this!

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