29 November 2017

Introducing our NEW Block of the Month Club ~ Penny's Sampler

I'm so excited today to finally reveal what I've been working on over the last couple of months........our brand new Block of the Month Club 'Penny's Sampler'    I have had so much fun making this quilt, it was such a joy choosing all the pretty fabrics.  I used my favourite mix of low volumes, choosing text prints, blenders, dots and solids from across the shop.  The stars of the show however are a gorgeous rainbow of Tilda fabrics from various collections, including the up coming Lemon Tree due to arrive in the shop in early January.

As with my previous Block of the Month quilts, I used a range of techniques including English paper piecing, machine piecing and pretty hand drawn applique blocks and combined some of my favourite traditional blocks with some unique ones I created for the quilt.

Here's a little close up of some of the blocks.......

Having learn't my lesson from my original Block of the Month design 'A Little Happy Year' where I am still only half way through the way I am planning on releasing this as a pattern book in 2018.... I made sure that Penny's Sampler was quilted and bound before I shared her!!

As usual I decided to hand quilt in my favourite Aurifil 12wt, I used a super charcoal grey #2630 ... I'm so pleased with how by using the charcoal it has added so much extra to the design.  I am tempted to maybe add a few more stitches over Christmas...
Penny's Sampler is going to be a 12 month Block of the Month club.  So each month starting in January, you will receive a gorgeous parcel full of loveliness directly through your letterbox.  This will include all the fabrics and if required, English Paper Pieces and/or applique templates for you to sew that months section of the quilt, plus of course detailed instructions for how to piece the block will also be included.   At the end of the year you will have will have received enough pretty fabric and instructions to make your very own 'Penny's Sampler' Quilt Top. 

P.S. If you're wondering where the name for the quilt came from, when I first showed my design to mum, drawn out the traditional way with a pencil, ruler and graph paper .... mum quickly said that she loved it and claimed it for herself...hence Penny's Sampler!

Whilst talking Block of the Months...did you hear ...... 'A Little Happy Christmas' is back!

We received so many requests, we decided to run our popular 'A Little Happy Christmas' 9 Month Block of the Month club again in 2018! much news!  I hope that you love the quilts as much as I do!  Any questions as always, please do get in touch!

Happy Stitches!

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