21 April 2020

Home Sweet Home


We have just had the loveliest of weeks holiday, helped enormously by the beautiful weather.  In truth, an Easter holiday at home in 'normal' times, would have mean't Andy and Poppy playing golf, Jamie playing rugby, Poppy playing football, chores, more golf etc etc. Our enforced, 'stay at home' holiday resulted in us spending so much time together...we still got chores done and we now have the tidiest of gardens and the cleanest cars, but we also spent time together, walking Pepper, eating cake, drinking tea (and the odd glass of wine and beer), watching films and was so fabulous, it felt like we were in our little bubble away from it all.

I had the time to make bread again, which I haven't done for so long.  Luckily I had purchased by chance, a bag of bread flour and some dried yeast, just before the virus hit (I must have known).  I made a traditional Bloomer following the recipe by Paul Hollywood from his book titled Bread.  We had it with leek and potato soup that I made a couple of weeks ago and had frozen.  Oh my goodness...fresh bread... what a we all enjoyed it.  This spurred me on to make a batch of Cinnamon Buns.  Quite a few years ago, I went on a bread making evening and this was a recipe demonstrated on the night.... we ate them warm from the oven....Y U M M Y!!!!!

Of course I found time to sew...  my Floral Alphabet Sampler is almost there...I will be starting pattern writing this week.  I've been adding to my #SEWALITTLEHAPPINESSEVERYDAY much fun.  I spotted this morning, that the hashtag on Instagram has almost a 1000 posts, how amazing is that!  I've been thinking how lovely it would to have a 'show and tell' of them all when the pandemic is over...I'm thinking a photo gallery of all the samplers made, with the names of who stitched them would be super...I just need to work out the best way to do this space.

Like many people, I added a little needle turn applique house to measures just 2" tall.  I had so much I was sewing I just knew I had to make obviously I did....I know...I have no will power or ability to resist these stitchy desires!  They're going to be a little mini quilt and I have used bolt ends of some of my most favourite fabrics that I have been saving for ages, just waiting for the perfect project.  There will be kits as soon as mum has a day free to put them together and I have written the pattern of course...sewing is SO much more fun!

I also made a start on my new quilt design, Sarah's Sampler.  Andy came over to the workshop with me and patiently waited whilst I chose fabrics for my first few blocks.... I'm sure it takes me longer to choose than it does to sew sometimes!  I'm also adding embroidery touches to some of the quilts, I hope that you like them.  

Right, I must dash, I'm braving the Post Office and a food shop..then I'm returning safely back to my home..sweet..home .....I've always been happy at home but it's definitely the best place to be at the moment.

Sending you all my very best wishes and happy stitches,
Sarah xo

9 April 2020


That's it, website parcels are posted and I'm declaring it Easter holidays. I'm off in to the garden with a cup of tea and a slice of banana loaf that Poppy made yesterday. (Don't worry, we will still be posting block of the month parcels as normal).  Andy finishes work today, he had already booked leave for next week before all the Coronavirus situation hit.  We decided to keep his holiday booked and although we had planned on family days out, we will just enjoy family days at home instead.

The garden is desperately in need of some TLC.  I did cut back the roses and do a quick tidy up of the beds about a month ago, but I'm looking forward to spending a bit of time out there over the weekend.  Hasn't the weather been glorious this last week, we've had the French doors open and Pepper has been coming in and out, she's loving it.   In the corner my Viburnum plant is in full flower, it smells absolutely beautiful.  Growing through it, is a pretty Clematis, that flowers for about 2 weeks, that's all, but it so pretty and reminds me of little hats that a garden fairy might wear.  I've also spotted a bud on one of my climbing roses!  I bought some salad leaf and tomato seeds before the lock down, so I'm hoping to get some of those planted over the weekend.  I'm going to put them in pots eventually as I am sure Pepper will not be able to resist!

On the stitchy front, I've been enjoying adding to my #sewalittlehappinesseveryday sampler and I'm very nearly there with my Floral Alphabet Sampler.  As a reward, I've been designing a new quilt...Sarah's Sampler.  This will be a new Block of the Month this Autumn, but as it is mostly applique and English Paper Piecing, it will obviously take me some time!

Anyway, just a quick post today to say hello and to wish you all a Happy Easter.  It will certainly be one that we remember and although it is not the one that we hoped for,  even so, we're going to try and make some happy memories.

Wishing you all the very best of heath and happy stitches.

Sarah xo 


1 April 2020

A week of happy stitches.....

There's been a flurry of stitches this last few days...  I am trying to divert my attention from obsessively watching the news.   I am thoroughly enjoying my  #SEWALITTLEHAPPINESSEVERDAY sampler project and it is totally amazing how many people have joined in....thank you!!!  Please can I ask a little favour, when sharing your pictures...... please can you link back to me, either on Instagram or on Facebook and direct them to here at the blog.  I would hate for people not to be able to join in because they can not find all the information.  All posts about this project can be found HERE

I have also been stitching slowly away on my Floral Alphabet Sampler... the alphabet so far is:

A is for Angelica
B is Bluebells
C is for Crabapple Blossom
D is for Daffodils
E is for Erigeron
F is for Foxgloves
G is for Geranium
H is for Holly
I is for Ivy
J is for Jacobs Ladder
K is for Kingcup
L is for Lily of the Valley
M is for Marshnallow
N is Nasturcium Officinale (not the bright orange ones!)
O is for Ox-eye Daisy
P is for Poppy (it had to be didn't it!)

This will be a new printed panel with detailed instructions for each of the flowers, plus option to add on the pretty embroidery threads, once I've finished mine.

March on my embroidered Phenology Wheel is now complete.  The blossom has definitely lifted the spirits whilst out walking and we've been spotting Blue tits in the garden almost on a daily basis...aren't they the prettiest.  Mum was saying this morning that she's hopeful that she has a nesting pair in one of their bird boxes...wouldn't that be marvellous!  If you want to join in the Embroidery Phenology Wheel project, you can find the printed fabric HERE.

Finally, I know some of you may have been looking today, to join the Secret Squirrel Stitch Society club.  We've decided that the right thing to do at the moment is to postpone the start date...we're just concerned that we may not be able to get all the supplies required for us to fulfil the club in June and the last thing we would want to do is let anyone down.  Rest assured it is not cancelled, I have completed the Summer projects and Autumn's are almost ready for stitching.  All our other clubs are continuing as normal.

Wishing you all good health and lots of happy stitches,
Sarah xo
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