4 May 2020

Morning Walk


It was just Pepper and I this morning on our walk.  The weather has turned a little gloomy, the sky was grey, the air was damp and the ground full of dew.  We were early this morning, so we hardly met anyone at all, which I loved....Pepper on the other hand is social butterfly..... social distancing is not much fun at all, when all you want to do in life is make friends and play....

We're back home now to a mug of tea and marmite toast and then I have a busy week ahead.

Stay safe dear friends,
Sarah xo

1 May 2020



April has come and gone and I realised this week, that our new stay at home lifestyle is starting to feel a little more normal now.  That being said, there are definite challenges trying to balance home schooling, having a husband on shifts and running a business....but compared to many, our life is good.

On the sewing front, I have finished my Floral Alphabet Sampler, the instruction are almost there and mum has started to put together not too much longer to wait. I finished my Little House Mini Quilt at was such an impromptu project, but my goodness I have enjoyed it.  Pattern writing will start next week (when Andy is on days!!)  

I spent a lovely afternoon stitching April of my Embroidery Phenology Wheel.  This time I included pretty Forget me seemed so apt... and a bee.  Particularly when the weather has been so glorious, there have been so many bees in the garden and I've been regularly rescuing them from inside the house.  

I have continued to work on my #sewalittlehappinesseveryday sampler.  I've really enjoyed using precious snippets of favourite fabrics from my stash and the freedom of creating without thinking whether it's commercially viable for the business.  The joy of seeing SO MANY people sewing their own versions is a constant joy!!  If you haven't already and are on Instagram, you must have a look at the hashtag, it is inspiring!

In my evenings, my adventures in to knitting continue.  I have completed a shorter version of my Snuggle Down Cowl by the lovely Jooles at Sew Sweet Violet.  I used a Mustard Merino DK I had in my stash, but I didn't like the would be much nicer in 4ply, so I stopped half way.  It will actually be perfect for next winter when I am out walking and will fit nicely under my coat.  I have also knitted another Simple Kerchief Scarf by Juanita Meder but this time in a beautiful Merino/Silk 4 ply by Eden Cottage Yarns rather than the Aran weight recommended.  I reduced the bobbles on the end to Casting On 5, followed by Casting Off 3.  All was going really well, until Pepper made a stealth attack and ripped it from my hands.  I was NOT happy.  I had to undo loads and I think I managed to twist some of the stitches when I put it back on my needles...rookie mistake...but hey ho... she soon won me over again!

I may have decided to run before I can walk, but I have also started my first Fair Isle knitting.  I am using Spindrift by Jamieson's.  It's a little scratchy compared the Merino/Silk I was previously using,  but I read that it was the best for newbies to Fair Isle as the yarn is 'sticky' and the colours are just scrumptious.  I am really enjoying it...I am following the chart for the Fair Isle Cuffs by Little Cotton Rabbits..but I am using this just as a practice piece.   Again rookie mistake and didn't cast on enough stitches...I blame multiple people talking to me whilst I was counting.... but in reality I think they would have a bit tight anyway, even if I had cast on the correct number.  My head is already thinking how I can use my Cross Stitch software for Fair Isle designs and I may have placed another order for some more Spindrift!

At home, Poppy has been baking and made another Banana Chocolate Chip loaf...delicious!!  Yesterday, Jamie made Pizza dough and we had homemade pizzas and salad for supper....poor Andy was on shift, so he couldn't partake.  My bread flour is almost gone now...I think it's like gold dust in the shop where I do the post, so I will have to hunt online.  

I hope that you are all keeping well and finding a little time for some therapeutic sewing / knitting / crochet / crafting time!

Best wishes and happy stitches,

Sarah xo
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