4 May 2020

Morning Walk


It was just Pepper and I this morning on our walk.  The weather has turned a little gloomy, the sky was grey, the air was damp and the ground full of dew.  We were early this morning, so we hardly met anyone at all, which I loved....Pepper on the other hand is social butterfly..... social distancing is not much fun at all, when all you want to do in life is make friends and play....

We're back home now to a mug of tea and marmite toast and then I have a busy week ahead.

Stay safe dear friends,
Sarah xo


  1. Gorgeous photos!
    That little calf is so lifelike, I had to look twice!
    Wishing you a happy week!
    Barbara x

  2. What a beautiful place for a walk, the wooden carvings are beautiful. Pepper is very cute.

  3. Who did the carvings and the bench? How delightful! Carol in Texas

    1. They're so lovely aren't they.... I believe they were done by a local sculptor called Nigel Sardeson.

  4. How refreshing! I feel like I was on the walk with you!

  5. Oh, how I love that cow bench! Looks like a beautiful walk with your boy. Love schnauzers...we are on our sixth one over the past 40+ years. He is solid white and we found him in our local shelter.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

Update July 2020: Unfortunately, due to a large increase in spam and inappropriate comments, I have turned on 'Comment Moderation', so your comment will not appear immediately. My apologies for this!

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