8 September 2020

Autumn is in the air

This week for the first time since March, Pepper and I are home alone! Poppy has returned to school and Jamie has started 6th Form.  Both are very happy to be back to some sort of normality and I think the school is doing the best job that it could do in the circumstances to keep them safe.  I definitely had butterflies sending them back and felt a little anxious, but I do know that it is the best place for them.  Nearly 6 Months of being at home is a VERY long time!

As usual, its been a whirl of activity for the business.  Mum and I are working like woman possessed to get the 12 Days of Christmas and Christmas Eve Boxes ready for posting early next month.  The Secret Squirrel Stitch Society Autumn boxes are also on track to be posted mid October as promised.  In addition, our new Happy Hexie Club Month 1 parcels went on their way the back end of last week and Sarah's Sampler Month 1 parcels full of loveliness will be on their way tomorrow!  Do not fear...Liberty Periodical and Happy Stitches Journals are posting on their due dates as normal...phew!!!!!  Thank you so much to you all for keeping us so busy!

I never realised how many project 'in progress' photographs that I normally share until this last few weeks, when almost everything that I've been stitching has been for 'secret' Christmas Boxes and Secret Squirrel projects.  My evenings have been filled with lots of happy stitches though and I can not wait to finally be able to share what I've been up to.  It's actually proven to be been lovely opportunity to reminisce and I've had a lovely time looking through all my past projects and sharing photographs of those again..... kits are available on the website HERE.

Obviously, it wouldn't be me if I wasn't thinking about the 'next' project or two or sketch book is filling up with lots of ideas.  I have however been having fun with some woven wool applique and wool crewel threads and have been experimenting with ideas... I think the seasons changing definitely influence what I want to sew.  I'm also working on a Happy Stitches Journal Vol 2, which I'm very excited about.  Like last year, there will be opportunities to personalise the pages if that's your thing, but obviously they can be left as is.  In the new journal, the pages will have an even more scrapbook/patchwork style to them (neatly and orderly of know how my OCD kicks in when it come to my stitching!) and there will be lots of embroidery, EPP and applique.  My intention is not to start sewing in earnest until the 'boxes' are in the post!  Obviously, I 'may' have to have a little play.....

I have however 'almost' completed my #sewalittlehappinesseveryday sampler....hooray, something I can actually share.  The grid boxes are all full, it is hand quilted and I just have the binding to add.  At the last minute though, I decided that I wanted to add some lace around the outside edge, so I just had to source and order some from one of our suppliers, but fingers crossed I will be sharing it very soon.  In the meanwhile, I have seen lots of samplers on the hashtag that are now complete and new samplers being started all the time, which is just lovely!  If you're not sure what I'm talking about, take a peek HERE.

At home, my newly decorated Sewing Room is almost complete.  We had a new boiler fitted just before lockdown which afforded us an empty cupboard, which use to house the most ginormous water tank.  This has now been repurposed as the 'sewing' cupboard which has resulted in us being able to to squeeze a single bed, back into my sewing room.  So we now have a spare room again when family and friends come to stay.  Just a few finishing touches to add and two chest of drawers to amalgamate in to one and then I'll share some photographs.

We've been enjoying some lovely walks with Pepper out in the fields behind our house and at our local nature reserve...I can't quite believe it, but she has been part of our family for a year this week.  There have been many moments when I thought 'what have we done', there have been tears, but mostly laughter and I honestly can not imagine life without her now. (most of the time!)   I couldn't resist by ending with a Pepper as a puppy photo.

Sorry for such a rambling post, I hope that you've made it to the end, in which case thank you!

Sending you my very best wishes and lots of happy stitches
Sarah xo


1 comment

  1. Your photos are so beautiful as is your work. We don't get the dramatic changes of season here in Sydney, Australia so the trees don't fruit as they do in colder climates.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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