18 November 2022

Christmas Charity Pattern 2022 ~ Advent Stocking Mini Quilt

Christmas is the time of year when we like to give a little something back and share our annual Christmas Charity Pattern.  Our chosen charity this year is once again The Trussell Trust, who support a nationwide network of food banks across the UK and together they provide emergency food and support to those locked in poverty.  We felt this year, the need for food banks is greater than ever.  As always, whilst the festive pattern will be free as a little thank you from us to you, we would ask that, if at all possible, you could make a charity donation as well, this could then be used to help someone in need…. together we can make a difference.  

This year, I have designed a little festive mini quilt, which includes a whole host of my favourite techniques for you to enjoy.  The little mini quilt includes four little festive stockings, one to celebrate the meaning of each Sunday in Advent..... Hope, Peace, Love and Joy.  You can either display it with all four stockings in one go or hang a little stocking on each Sunday in the lead up to Christmas.  Advent this year begins on Sunday 27th November, which rather excitingly, is also when we'll start revealing the contents of this year's Advent Box!!!!!

I know some of you have already kindly asked, if we will be doing kits for this....I'm afraid not.  I used fabrics from my stash to make mine and honestly, it's a perfect project for using those tiny precious scraps that you've been saving.

BEFORE STARTING Always Remember to:

  • Read all instructions before you begin.
  • RST means Right Sides Together.
  • All seam allowances are 1/4”.
  • FWOF means Full Width Of Fabric.
  • If you need any help, please do get in touch!

You will also need to print THIS SHEET, which includes the embroidery and applique stocking templates that are required.

Let's gather your supplies.... you will need:

  • A selection of small scraps for the mini quilt as follows: 
    • From Fabric A cut (1) 3 ½" x 4 ½ " rectangle
    • From fabric B cut (1) 1 ½" x 4 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric C cut (1) 1 ½" x 4 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric D cut (1) 1 ½" x 5 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric E cut (1) 1 ½" x 5 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric F cut (1) 1 ½" x 5 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric G cut (1) 1 ½" x 7 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric H cut (1) 1 ½" x 6 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric I cut (1) 1 ½" x 8 ½" rectangle
    • From fabric J cut (1) 1 ½" x 7 ½" rectangle

  • Festive fabric for the stockings, approx. 3" x 5" is required for each stocking
  • Felt for the stockings, approx. 6" square is required for each stocking
  • (3) ½" English Paper Pieced pre-cut hexie papers, plus fabric, a 2" x 6" piece
  • A 2 ½" x FWOF strip for the binding 
  • A 9" x 11" piece of wadding/batting
  • An 11" x 13" piece of backing fabric
  • Threads for the embroidery, quilting and piecing.
  • Twine 
  • (4) Buttons
  • (4) teeny Jingly Bells
  • Plus, all your favourite patchwork and quilting tools and notions

PIECING INSTRUCTIONS....Let’s get stitching!

First off, we're going to piece the Log Cabin inspired background.  With RST, stitch the fabric A rectangle to the fabric B rectangle. Press the stitches to 'set' them, then press the seam towards the fabric B rectangle. This unit should measure 4½ square.

Then, with RST add the fabric C rectangle, as shown below.  Press the stitches to 'set' them, then press the seam towards the fabric C rectangle. This unit should measure 4 ½” x 5 ½”. 

Then add the fabric D rectangle as shown below.  Press the stitches to 'set' them, then press the seam towards the fabric D rectangle. This unit should measure 5 ½” x 5 ½”.  

Next add the fabric E rectangle and continue to build the ‘cabin’ pressing the seam toward to the newest rectangle addition until you have added the fabric J rectangle and the block is complete.

The completed log Cabin block should measure 7 ½” x 9 ½".

At this point, I added three ½" English Paper Pieced hexies, which I had sewed together into a row and embellished them with some little embroidery details on each.  You can find a 'little happy' hexie tutorial HERE.   But, if you don't have any papers to hand or if EPP isn't your thing, this would be the perfect spot for a snippet of your favourite ribbon or lace.  Alternatively, you could make a pretty label from a festive fabric, just like I did in this 'little happy' tutorial HERE.

Next, sandwich the batting/wadding between the backing fabric and the quilt top.  Baste.  I use a spray glue baste but you can pin or tack the three layers together, ready for quilting.         

I had a lovely time hand quilting using Aurifil 12 wt thread #2311, with of course my favourite Big Stitch hand quilting needle, however, feel free to machine quilt if you prefer!  I added a grid 'on point' on the fabric A rectangle spaced at ½ apart.  I shadow quilted around the hexies.  Finally, I added horizonal and vertical lines, both on top of and 'in the ditch' to accentuate the log cabin block fabrics.  Once quilted, trim away the excess batting & backing.  

To complete the mini quilt section of the project, add the binding and finally, the four little buttons for the stockings to hang on.  I positioned mine 4" from the top and the two outer buttons were 1" from either side with the middle two buttons, spaced evenly in between.  

The four little stockings were great fun to make.  Don't forget you will need to print the template sheet which you can find HERE.   Start off by transferring the stocking outline onto your chosen fabric.  Then, add the text to each one.  You can use a light box to do this or DO IT LIKE THIS.

Stitch the lettering in Back Stitch with a single strand separated from the main strand of floss in my needle or use whichever stitch is your favourite.

Once embroidered, cut out the stockings adding on a scant 1/4" seam allowance. Then applique the stocking to a piece of felt.  I chose to needle turn, which you can find a 'little happy' tutorial for HERE.

Once appliqued, cut them out again adding on a scant 1/4" seam allowance all round.  

Then, using the trimmed appliqued front stocking as a template, cut a matching back piece from the felt.

Next, make a little loop from a 6"piece of twine.  If you find it easier using a longer piece of twine and trim the tails once you've created your loop.  I simply folded the twine in half and knotted the end, then using off white thread and tiny little stitches, secured it to the wrong side* of the back piece. *i.e the side that will be sandwiched in the centre of the stocking when you sew the back piece to the appliqued front.  A 'little happy' keep things neat, make sure all your start and end knots are on the wrong side too.

Finally, with WST sew the back piece and appliqued front piece together using off white thread and Blanket Stitch.  I couldn't resist adding a teeny jingle bell to each stocking!

To complete my Advent Stocking Mini Quilt, I added some loops of twine to the back of mini quilt, I simply folded two lengths of twine in half and secured with some little stitches at the fold just under the binding.  I then tied the Mini Quilt onto a little twiggy branch from the garden and added a further hanging loop...I'm all set for Advent!  

I hope that you enjoy making your own Advent Stocking Mini Quilt.  I can not wait to see your festive versions.  Please use the hashtags so I can take a peek: 


Finally, please remember if you can, to make a donation and help make a huge difference to someone in need.........

Very best wishes and festive happy stitches,

Sarah xo

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