I have just had the most fantastic three days in Norfolk, oh how I love Norfolk. One day I am convinced that I will live there, but for now I have to satisfy myself with at least one visit a year. (There is another one already on the calendar for the summer...hooray!) The weather this time was sadly not at its best (don't be fooled by the blue skies in some of the photo's) it was actually blowing a gale and was very cold, but we did manage to avoid all the showers, which came late afternoon when we were sat nice and comfy with a cup of tea and a biscuit.
My inlaws came to stay and look after the children, and Andy and I went to join my parents. We have been away only a handful of times without the children and whilst I did miss them dreadfully, I must confess, I did enjoy the child free time. Having an entire conversation without interruption was quite amazing, as was watching Pointless and other afternoon TV..quite a change from CBeebies.
Although our time was quite limited, we did pack quite a bit in. Our first port of call on arrival, as always, was to go to the beach. I had planned if the weather had been sunny, sitting in a sheltered position with a good book and and a flask of tea, in hindsight, this definitely was a little optimistic!! The stunning beach pictured is Winterton Beach. It was virtually empty, with the exception of a couple of dog walkers. Mum and I searched for pretty shells and stones and I think this would definitely be worth another visit with the children, great sandcastle potential.
So much for lie ins, it would seem 9 years of been woken up early has now become a habit! It did mean that we were out nice and early each day. Andy and I went for a morning walk through a pretty Norfolk Broads village called Horning. It was lovely, we bought a very scrummy Pork Pie from the local butchers shop and spent many a happy moment admiring the lovely houses and boats! For the final day we ventured into Suffolk to Southwold. For those of you with young children will recognise this as the setting for the children's programme 'Grandpa in my Pocket'. It is definitely on my to do list to visit again and maybe explore some more of Suffolk. Andy is particularly keen to go on the Adnams Brewery Tour, I can not describe the smell as we walked past their Brewery, humm I guess I'll be driving home!
The time passed in a flash, I can not believe quite how quickly it flew by, but I do feel recharged and raring to go, which is a good thing as I came to lots of Pretty Fabrics and Trims orders (thank you!) which are all wrapped and on their way. For those who have been asking, my new website is coming together well, exciting packaging has been arriving and my intention is to launch the initial collection of kits at the beginning of June...watch this space!!
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