24 December 2013

Liberty Love

What is there not to love about Liberty of London tana lawn?   I'm a lucky girl and I have quite a stash, just perfect for little projects.  Mum introduced me to Liberty fabrics when I was a little girl.  I remember touching them for the first time and thinking they were silk.  Mum still loves Liberty fabrics, so I thought they would be perfect for her birthday gift, a much needed Laptop Case.  

I did contemplate sticking to a colour theme....maybe all pinks, Mum is a sucker for fuchsia, but then I through caution to the wind and went for a rainbow of colours.....

I chose the most stunning vintage button...Mum loves buttons!

I quilted the cover using diagonal lines, Mum had commented on how much she liked the quilting on Poppy's doll bag, so I thought I would give this the same treatment.

Inside is lined using a teal mini polka dot from my stash, which I think complemented the Liberty fabrics a treat.

Talking of treats, we've been baking mince pies, which it has to be said do not last very long in our house!  Another batch is planned today for the big day itself.  We've been watching family movies and generally relaxing.  I've made a start on a quilt top for Poppy's bed, but more of that another day......

All that remains now is to thank you for visiting me here on the blog and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, I hope that the next few days are full of all the things that make you happy!



  1. a beautiful gift !!!!!
    Buon Natale and Felice 2014 !!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  2. Those mince pies look very tempting! And your Mum is gonna LOVE that laptop case :) Merry Christmas Sarah, have a wonderful relaxing time with your family. Natalie xx

  3. Oh Sarah, that's such a beautiful present, I'm sure your mum is going to be over the moon.
    Happy Christmas
    Kate x

  4. Ooh, your mum will be so thrilled Sarah!...I love the mix of fabrics and colours too...just gorgeous!
    Happy Christmas to you and your's always lovely to visit you,
    See you in 2014,
    Susan x

  5. Wonderful Liberty fabrics, how delighted your mum wiill be!! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Sarah!
    Helen xx

  6. it's absolutely gorgeous, so neat! I love the fabrics. I'm sure she loved it. Have a happy new year! Heather x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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