23 January 2014

Economy Blocks

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my previous post, I do so love my little space and know how lucky I am to have it.  As I mentioned I want to add some pretty touches to the room.  My first task, whilst it's still nice and tidy was to make a sewing machine mat.......

I decided to have a go at the Economy Block which is whizzing around all my favourite quilting blogs and flickr at the moment.  I used an AMAZING tutorial written by Rita at Red Pepper Quilts, now if you haven't seen this blog you MUST go, this lady is inspiring!!  As I write, I was just thinking how generous the crafty blogging community is as a whole, to share their knowledge.....I hope in a small way I do my bit here.

I thought I would share what I learnt from this project.  Firstly, as lovely as they are, Cath Kidston Haberdashery fabrics are too stiff to work in tiny projects.   Luckily as this is a mat, that isn't a problem, but I would definitely use larger patches and pre-wash (I am not a pre-washer ordinarily).  I also came to the conclusion that I did not get excited by sewing the Economy Block, do you know what I mean...has that ever happened to you?.....I really wanted to do so and I love the finished result, but the thought of making a larger project using this design is not for me.

On the other hand, remember my hexie's, well that little 'work in progress' is nearly finished and I've made a start on my sampler quilt, but more of that next time.

I've also joined my first Quilt-A-Long, I'm currently picking my fabrics and we get started with the cutting out next week.  So there's still plenty of time to join in if you fancy!!

I hope that you're having a lovely crafty week.  I am very behind visiting my favourite blogs, I have been having the most awful migraines (boo hiss!!)  but I will be there very soon!


  1. That pretty little mat is a lovely way to add some happy colour and pattern to your room! I can see how a whole quilt would be a bit daunting...but I do love it in small-scale here! I hope your headache goes away, I know so many who are having tough weeks, me included, so let's all have a calm, rejuvenating weekend! Chrissie x

  2. Ooh, such a gorgeous mat Sarah...the fabrics and colours are so pretty as always...I do love them...x
    Hope you are rid of your migraines soon..they must be awful to deal with...
    Wishing you a happy and creative weekend,
    Susan x

  3. This post came at just the right time, and I followed your link to make up an economy block for the centre of a patchwork heart. The block turned out great, but not sure about my finishing up the heart. It's for a giveaway announced on today's post. I love the fabrics in your sewing machine mat ... great idea ... I'm always shoving my machine back & forth on the table, and a little mat would make it glide across ;) Hope you're migraine has left you by now, I suffer headaches continuously with every weather change :P Have a great weekend. Wendy x

  4. Thank you for your kind words, I am feeling lots better and ready for a little more stitching...hooray!!! Sarah xo

  5. Such a pretty little mat, lovely colours. Migraines are the worst aren't they? Hope you are feeling better.
    Marianne x

  6. It's beautiful and useful, what more could you want? I need to make a cover for my sewing machine, the plastic one it came with is shameful. Wouldn't it be nice to make a mat and matching cover? You've inspired me! x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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