2 February 2014

A finished project and some sad news.....

As I walked in to our conservatory this week, I realised that I hadn't shared the heart table runner I made over the Christmas holidays.  I love having all the Christmas decorations up and I always think it looks so dreadfully bare when you take them all down (a minimalist I am not!).  With this in mind I decided it would be nice to have some sort of decoration on my table all year round, which I could change to celebrate special holidays (Valentines, Easter, Halloween etc) and the seasons......  so out came the graph paper and I started playing with some ideas.....

I then created a full size pattern using Freezer Paper.....

cut out all the pieces.......

and then ironed them on to my fabric.  Freezer paper is fantastic as you can use it again and again.

After adding accurate 1/4" seam allowances, I used my rotary cutter to cut out each piece....and using my original drawing as a guide, pieced them together.   The hearts were joined together with some sashing and the scrappy border is a mass of 1" squares pieced together at random.  I quilted it using the outline of the hearts and borders as a guide.  In hindsight I wish I hadn't added quite so much quilting, but overall I'm rather happy.  Next up will be a Spring runner and I've also got an idea for an Easter special....

On the home front, we've had a rather sad week, hence my lack of posts.  On Wednesday, we made the very difficult decision to say goodbye to our much loved pet cat Biscuit.  I adopted her when she was approximately 1 year old and she had been with us for 14 years.  We all miss her very much, but I am happy in the thought that she lived a joyful, content and healthy life..... 



  1. Hi Sarah
    Such a lovely runner, and a lovely idea to change it with the seasons and times of the year.
    So sad about your beautiful cat, they become such a part of the family don't they, and are much missed. But I think you're right to think back to the happy life they had with you,
    Take care,
    Kate x

  2. Hi Sarah
    What a beautiful runner you've made, it looks absolutely stunning. Like you, I love putting up the Christmas decorations and feel deeply saddened to have to take them down. So, your idea of making and having a runner for each of the seasons/celebrations is a wonderul idea to cheer us.
    So sorry to hear you've had to say goodbye to your beloved family member Biscuit. They - our pets - become such an integral part of our family and its heart wretching to lose them. But you have given him and he you years of happiness, love and comfort - remember that on the days you really miss him and feel sad. Love, Mandy x

  3. What a beautiful piece of work, I've yet to try out the freezer paper, but can see how much easier it can make things. I love the idea of changing with the seasons and am looking forward to seeing your spring creation. It's always sad to friend. But it sound like Biscuit had a truly happy and contented life with you and your family and you will always have happy memories to help you through those sad days xx

  4. Your table runner is so pretty and I'm sure makes you smile each time you see it! I felt the same with my holiday bunting on the kitchen wall - I had Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day buntings...but gosh the wall looked bare without any bunting, so I now have some lovely linen and floral "Sweet Home" bunting for all year round!
    My heart goes out to you and your family, I'm sure it's been a quiet and reflective week for you, remembering Biscuit. The photo is lovely, and I'm sure you have many more of Biscuit to accompany the happy memories of your time together. Lots of love, Chrissie x

  5. That is heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Biscuit looks adorable in the photo, and after 14 years it'll be hard getting used to. When I was growing up, we had just two dogs and they both lived to about 14 years each. I remember the gap that was left when they were gone too. Your beautiful table runner with the hearts ties in very well with your memories of Biscuit ;) Take care, Wendy x

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about Biscuit Sarah. They become such a big part of our lives, and it takes a lot of getting used to when they are no longer there. Your table runner is beautiful. Love and hugs, Chris xx

  7. Sad news indeed always sad to have to say goodbye to a much loved pet. What a beautiful photo of Biscuit.
    The table runner is stunning. Anne x

  8. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting me over on my blog. Your quilting exploits are great! Have a few quilting crazy pals I'll be sure to send your way! Sorry to hear the news you had say goodbye to your beautiful Biscuit. x

  9. Thank you so much for all your lovely and kind comments....I'm so sorry I didn't reply to each one individually, but I really do each appreciate them all. Love Sarah xo

  10. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful friend Biscuit - I understand how difficult it is as the experience has visited me several times over the years.
    I do love this gorgeous table runner, in fact I am blown away by all the beautiful pieces I've seen so far as I browse through your posts. You are highly talented Sarah! Joy x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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