6 February 2014

Better late than never....

First off, can I just say thank you so much for your very kind comments and message that I've received on my last post. It's certainly been very strange without Biscuit around, but we're all slowly getting use to it. When you're feeling sad, I'm great believer in keeping busy, so this is what I've been up too.....


can you tell what it is yet?

Yes it's true I am now officially a Farmers Wife!!  Now I know I am around two years behind the blogging community, but for me the time is now right and having been terribly indecisive I finally decided to give it a go. 

I'm making my blocks 6" square and at the moment I'm planning to make the lap size quilt which takes 50 blocks.  I'm going to try and use fabrics from my scrap stash and unused bunting triangles and the key criteria is that they must be really, really pretty, as for colours I'm thinking a mix of candy shades...... pink, yellow, blue, aqua, green and mint, with touches of orange, red and brown.

Here's what I've made so far...

Block No 2 ~ Autumn Tints
Block No 4 ~ Basket Weave
Block No 16 ~ Calico Puzzle

Block No 9 ~ Box

Block No 11 ~ Broken Dishes

Block No 12 ~ Broken Sugar Bowl
The eagle eyed amongst you will have spotted that so far I've stuck to blocks with Squares or Half Square Triangles.  To be honest, I wanted to get a good head start and these are by the far the easiest to calculate the fabric pieces for rotary cutting.  In the main I am happy with them, although now looking back at the photo's I think I'm going to have to redo No 12, that far right column has definitely gone array...mind you, when you're snuggled underneath it, do you think you'll notice!!!

My plan is to make 2 blocks a week, I think that's achievable.......but I want to enjoy this, so I'm not going to put myself under too much pressure if I fall a little behind.   Wish me luck!



  1. I haven't been following these quilt patterns well enough to know them all, but yours look really nice! I wouldn't be able to show close-ups of my triangle points like you have as they wouldn't be quite so precise. Love all the pretty fabrics you're using. Two blocks a week sounds just enough to keep your interest without putting on the pressure. Good luck :) Wendy x

    1. Thank you Wendy and to be honest there was some strategic photography involved as not all the points were so perfect! Have a lovely weekend Sarah xo

  2. I'm in love with block #11 !!!!!
    xxxxxxx Ale

    1. Thank you Ale...the fabrics are from the original Flower Sugar line by Lecien......possibly still my favourites! Have a lovely weekend Sarah xo

  3. Gosh, this is going to be one gorgeous quilt! I have never really been fond of the farmer's wife quilt, it always looks rather busy and complicated...but with your beautiful fabric choices and combinations, I must say I've done a complete turnaround in my opinion! They are stunning blocks! Chrissie x ps I've just placed my first order on your Pretty Fabrics web site - I'm taking your comment on my blog to heart and making myself a pretty WIP bag, with the Sevenberry bundle! :-)

    1. Thank you Chrissie....give it go it's rather addictive I must say. Thank you so much for ordering with us...I shall look forward to seeing your bag!! Sarah xo

  4. I'm so pleased I found your blog, as your squares are gorgeous and I love your fabrics. it is going to be one dream quilt. Good Luck.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog Irene and your very kind comments. I'm so enjoying making these little blocks! Sarah xo

  5. Hi Sarah....so sorry to read about your dear little Biscuit....I do agree that being busy and creative is a great help at these times...x
    Your blocks are gorgeous....I have the Farmers Wife book and it's on my very long 'to do' list and will look forward to seeing your quilt progress...your fabrics and colour choices are beautiful too...
    Susan x

    1. Thank you Susan for your kind wishes re Biscuit. You must have a go at the Farmers Wife Quilt, it is really good fun, although I seem to spend as long choosing the fabrics for each block as I do actually sewing them! Sarah xo

  6. So sorry to hear about Biscuit - that must be tough on you all. Always best to keep busy in these situations. I love the look of your quilt, you have chosen some really pretty fabrics. x

    1. Thank you Gillian..I hope that your roof is now sorted...dreadful weather!! xo


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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