7 January 2014

Scrap Busting

For the last few days, in between packing orders, I've been stitching hexie's using scraps of my favourite Japanese fabrics.  Well I say in between orders, to be honest, Mum (Penny) has definitely been doing the lions share as I hurt my back picking up Poppy the back end of the last week (no pun intended)!

I have lots (and I mean lots) of scraps leftover from my bunting days.  Most are sorted by size and by designer/collections.  This is my most precious bag, it has fabrics in the main by Lecien and Atsuko Matsuyama.  I also have quite a lot of uncut pieces, fat quarters and larger........these I am saving to make a quilt just for me....I'm thinking a sampler quilt, maybe one of these if I can get organised.

I'm storing them in this gorgeous tin given to me in the summer by my MIL, lovely isn't it.  

They are 1" Hexagons and for speed I'm using pre-cut papers, which are totally fab and can of course be reused.

I've stitched quite a few now and it's amazing just how much fun you can have arranging them.... yes I know..I think I need to get out more....

As to what I am going to make with them...well I haven't quite maybe I'll just carry on arranging them........

Before I go...have you made any resolutions??.....I've not made any as I never manage to stick them, however I have good intentions (does that count?):

First off, I would like to eat a little healthier (less chocolate and crisps) and lose a few pounds, my brother gets married in the summer so there is an incentive.

Next, I would like to do some more dress making, I really enjoyed what I did in 2013 and make lots of twirly dresses for Poppy and maybe the odd one or two for me, you're never too old to twirl!

On a practical note, I have lots of WIP's that need finishing and a stash of fabric that needs using..

and finally, I want to spend time with those that mean the world to me making lots and lots of happy memories, this one I will make happen!


  1. Beautiful fabric Sarah!! In August, my son bought me the same tin at Mark and Spencer's in Edinburgh 5 min before closing!! It was the only thing I asked for and this was his only chance! It doesn't hold anything currently but it sits in my new Brit themed room!

    1. Happy New Year Paula. Your Brit themed room sounds fun and well done to your son, I bet he had to run!! xo

  2. Oh, and with money for my BD in September I bought a 1 inch hexie punch! Soooooo e z!

  3. your fabric collection is just wonderful!!!!
    happy 2014, xxxxx Ale

    1. Thank you Ale and Happy New Year to you too. Sarah xo

  4. Lovely post Sarah! I too want to try to eat healthier & spend more time with close family and doing things for me. Worried/tried to help too many others last year- & it was not all appreciated :-( Anne xx

    1. Thank you Anne and here's to a happy and healthy 2014! Sarah xo

  5. As always your lovely post makes me smile.
    I believe that my resolution this year is to try to visit my mom (who lives out of state) more often, to write more letters to my siblings and to take lots more time to smell the roses...
    Have a Wonderful day!
    Hugs :)

    1. I love your resolutions!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Sarah xo

  6. Gorgeous fabrics ... makes me want to get back into my stash cupboard and make up some hexies with you! They're so addictive :) No resolutions here, I just want to sort out any WIPs that weren't finished up at the end of the year. I like to have a clean slate before I start a new project.
    Wendy x

    1. Hi Wendy, oh yes do, it's such a great a pick and put down project, although I must not be tempted to start anything else and add to the growing list of WIPS...but then again, I desperate to get going on...........(tee hee!!) Sarah xo

  7. Wonderful fabrics! Your hexie quilt will be gorgeous!
    Helen x

    1. Thank you Helen, I am having lots of fun stitching them up as we speak! Sarah xo

  8. Ooh, such lovely fabrics and colours Sarah!
    Hope you've had a great start to your 2014...I have made some resolutions...I may not manage to carry them through but I do have the best of intentions!
    Susan x
    P.S Love the tin!

    1. Thank you Susan, good luck with your 'intentions' in my book they definitely count!! Sarah xo

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a visual treat this post is! I would love to make a hexie quilt, if only to use up my out of control stash of tiny scraps of fabric. You've got some really gorgeous colours here, it's going to be lovely. I like your resolutions, especially the last one. x

    1. Thank you Gillian and yes do have a go ( although be warned they are very addictive!!) Sarah xo

  10. Such a lovely tin of goodies - I adore your little hexies x

    1. Thank you Sue, it's been great fun working on them, a great project on the move! Sarah xo


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