12 January 2014


We woke up both mornings this weekend to the prettiest of frosts on the back field, it looked as if the fairies had been and sprinkled fairy dust.  One of things I love most about writing this blog is keeping a photographic record of the view from my sewing room window, it's a visual reminder of the changing seasons.

Back inside in the warm, in between sleepover and Birthday party pick ups and drops offs, we spent lots of time in our PJ's chilling, drawing, watching Barbie films (mostly Poppy and I) and of course stitching hexie's...........

...just how bent is my needle!!!!  I have had so much fun stitching these.  I had originally thought I was going to make a pillow/cushion cover, after much though though I've decided it's going to be a mini quilt that I intend on hanging next to my bed.  I get so much pleasure from these gorgeous fabrics and to lay in bed and look them will bring me much pleasure.  Fabric and sewing does indeed bring me so much joy!!

On a weekend, I do try to do some cooking or baking with Jamie and Poppy.  Having ventured in to the kitchen cupboard, I discovered a glut of chocolate, dark, milk and white, so we threw it altogether and made rice crispy cakes.  When I was little, my mum made them using cocoa powder and I remember them being delicious, although it has to be said, using actual chocolate as we do now, does makes them scrumptious!! 

Generally, we loosely follow this recipe,  we never measure out the syrup, it's more of a glug than a tablespoon, and it depends on what cereal we have in the cupboard as to whether they're rice crispy or cornflake cakes.  We also sometimes add dried fruit, sultana's, cranberries etc ...

what ever the ingredients though I can assure you there is never a shortage of willing volunteers to lick the bowl!

I had to giggle whilst reading Gillian's blog post over the weekend, she talked about having a huge collection of cupcake cases and not being able to resist buying would seem she is not alone......

Tonight we're having cheats Roast Pork for supper.  When I roast a joint of Pork (slow cooked Lamb and Chicken work well too)  I freeze down sliced portions of meat in tasty gravy, believe me it works a treat and with a gentle warming through and fresh veg, you can sit down to a delicious roast dinner in no time at all.

I hope that you've had a lovely weekend.


  1. Very enchanting photos of your fields! I must dig out my hexie project, I really enjoy the calm stitching (and I brought back some freezer paper from the States to try!), your fabrics are beautiful! Great tip about the roast, thank you very much indeed! Chrissie x

  2. It's such a visual delight here!! Love the photos from your sewing room ... gosh I'd love to have that view out of ANY of my windows (I really miss living in the country). The colours in the first 3 photos match your blog palette perfectly ;) The rice crispy cakes look so yummy! I'm going to keep the recipe to try for my son (who is an eating machine at 15). Have a great week Sarah :) Wendy x

  3. Don't know what is making me drool more ... the crispie cakes or those scrumptious wee hexies!! Natalie xx

  4. Beautiful photographs Sarah and your mini quilt is going to look many pretty fabrics and colours!...The rice crispy cakes look delicious and those cupcake cases look just like the ones in my baking cupboard's nice to know I'm not alone in finding them hard to resist!
    Susan x

  5. Your frosty photos are so beautiful. Do you use filters on them? If you do they work incredibly well. And as someone above said, they match the palate on your blog so well.

    We are making crispy cakes this weekend - I'll have to try adding dried fruit as you do, that sounds yum. And I think you might actually have more cupcake cases than me, although yours are in much nicer colours! x

  6. Lots of delicious pictures, Sarah! Love the pretty hexagon quilt and the yummy cakes! I love buying cup cake cases too.....just so pretty :) Have a happy weekend.
    Helen x


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