30 April 2014

A Finished Quilt and a Feature

Do you remember an age ago I joined a quilt a-long.....well hands up I was absolutely rubbish at keeping up with it.  I think I was perhaps a little optimistic with just how much spare time I actually have each week to sew....also adding in the fact that I am a crafting butterfly and flutter from project to project!  Rather than enjoying the process, I actually placed myself under a huge amount of pressure and the longer time passed, the more I fell behind.  So over Easter, I gave myself a stern talking too......the whole point of my precious sewing time should be for pleasure....and I decided to crack on and finish the quilt my way and in my own time.

I absolutely love the design of the quilt that Melissa created and my original plan was for 3 x 3 block layout.  So my new plan of action was to use the one star block that I had completed and then as much as possible to use all the other pieces that had been pre-cut and rework them in to my new design..... here's the end result......

I have learnt so much from making this quilt, not only new techniques, but to be realistic with what I can achieve in the time that I have available.  

Size: 51" x 51"

Rather excitingly I have a little project in this quarters edition of Fat Quarterly, which is all about Pre Cuts

My challenge was to use mini charms from the Winter Wonderland collection by Bunny Hill Designs for Moda fabric.......this is what I came up with....... a jolly mini quilt......

There are some absolutely stunning designs included in the issue, so if you have a moment, please do pop over and take a peek HERE.

I hope that you're all having a lovely week, back soon!



  1. You did a spectacular job with the large quilt! I like the positive & negative 'flying geese' (or whatever name you may call them). A really nice balance with the colours and the white background. Sometimes when the fun disappears from a sewing project, you start to resent the project completely. I'm glad you were able to sort out your priorities and finish the quilt to your liking. The mini quilt is very sweet, and I love that shade of red! Wendy x

  2. ooooo I do love that Christmas quilt,what a pity its only April (until midnight anyway lol)
    Jill at

  3. congratulations Sarah!!!!! ;oD
    xxxxx Ale

  4. Both are beautiful Sarah and such lovely fabrics. Ooh, I have to go back and take another look :-)
    Tracey xx

  5. Both are beautiful. Like you have joined in challenges only to fall behind and get stressed. Also decided I have to do what I can as and when.I retired early 8 years ago from a very stressful workload. My crafting - and it is varied was supposed to be therapy :-) I am trying now to finish so many unfinished project s and not take on too much. Have fun with your crafting. X

  6. Both quilts are beautiful Sarah!! xx

  7. Lots of quilty love in this post! Big congrats on the Fat Quarterly feature, I love that jolly little make! And your big quilt is a beauty - and more so because you enjoyed making it and eased up on the pressure! I tend to do the same myself, bite off more than I can chew (and I do have lots and lots of WIPs) but it is so good to step back and remember we do these crafts to enrich our lives! Chrissie x

  8. Your newly finished quilt is so impressive - I love it, Sarah, its's beautifully done and so well balanced in every way! I agree with what Chrissie has just said regarding enjoying and enriching our lives with our crafts rather than being stressed over the completion of them! Your Christmas quilt is very gorgeous too, and I congratulate you on your article in Fat Quarterly - I'm off to follow your links now . . . . thank you . . . . have a great weekend and I hope the sun shines brightly for you and yours! Joy xo

  9. AnonymousMay 03, 2014

    What a beautiful pair of quilts! Congratulations on your feature, that's great news. I am doing a little quilt along with my friend but keep getting distracted by lots of new projects ;-) Have a lovely weekend and enjoy using your very pretty quilt. Victoria xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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