12 April 2014

A little skirt for Poppy

This week as always, has pretty much been all about fabric....

We've managed to get hold of these scrumptious Michael Miller fabrics....they're very shabby chic don't you think?

I succumbed to temptation and snaffling some of the lovely stripe for a little skirt for Poppy.... perfect for some sunny Easter play......

First off, I measured Poppy from her natural waist to her knee and then added 1 1/2 inches (for the hem and waistband). Then I simply folded the fabric in half, matched the pattern, which is printed horizontally and stitched.  After turning through and pressing, I positioned the seam centre back.

I made a casing for the elastic at the top...

and for the bottom, I simply pressed up approx. 3/8" using the design of the pattern as a guide and then stitched some gingham ribbon over the top to conceal the raw edge.  This is great idea when you want a light weight hem or you've not got a great deal of fabric to play with!

All in all in took less than an hour and a smidge over half a metre of fabric (I have a very tall 6 year old) for the twirl test.....

and just one more........

Have a lovely weekend!



  1. I love the new Easter twirling skirt!! Very pretty. That fabric in the first picture with the beehives is divine, I love it, and all of the other pretty trims and buttons that you shared too. I really must get round to popping by your shop, all of these posts are very tempting Sarah! xx

  2. Such a pretty little skirt, perfect for spring with those sweet colours! You have lots of gorgeous fabrics here too, Sarah........and I love strawberries!
    Happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  3. The skirt is so sweet. Lovely goodies on you website this week. X

  4. that skirt is so happy and lovely!!!!!
    I adore the ribbons with beach huts!!!!
    xxxxxxxx Ale

  5. Beautiful fabrics, ribbons and skirt. :) <3

  6. Ah Sarah, you're tempting me again with those exciting new fabrics, they are too gorgeous! I especially like the Sweet as Honey range!
    Another lovely little skirt and in sweet stripes, your Poppy must be so happy!
    Have a wonderful Sunday and week! Joy xo

  7. Lovely Sarah what a wonderful post - just gorgeous, thank you. You have given me some ideas for skirts for my little Peeps, your skirt looks so divine and is obviously a hit with your little Poppy, I have one the same age and know she would love a skirt just like this one. Have a fabulous Sunday Sarah, sending you lots of loves and hugs

  8. Such a lovely, pretty, happy post! The little skirt you have made for your girl is just gorgeous. Beautiful, beautiful fabric and in fact, I am off to have a browse at it now, as my girl would love this too.
    Marianne x

  9. Love your post Sarah I am just about to pop over to your shop I can't resist x

    1. Hi Sarah me again I love your shop and could have bought everything - just placed my first order - I can't wait it's so exciting x

  10. Hello :)

    I keep seeing your blog name pop up in the comments on blogs I visit so I thought I'd pop across and say hi ... and what a treat!

    And now I'm off to take a look at your shop. My fabric stash is small compared to my yarn stash - I only recently replaced my broken sewing machine so there'd been no point in building it up - so I am allowing myself to succumb to all the fat quarters and such that I fancy this Easter as a reward for showing restraint on the chocolate front, or for trying to at least ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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