28 May 2014

Party Time

My gorgeous son is 10 this did that happen I ask.  Yesterday we had some of his friends over.... they 'of a sorts' watched the original Michael Keaton Batman DVD, had a football tournament on the Wii, ate a ton of popcorn, Doritos's, demolished pizza's and icecream, drank copious amounts of fizzy drinks and made a lot and I mean a lot of noise!

Jamie said it was brilliant, so that's pretty perfect in my book!

May all your wishes come true!!!!



  1. Buon Compleanno Jamie!!!!!!
    xxxxx ale

  2. Happy Birthday to your young man!! It looks and sounds like a great time was had by all at the party and I love the cake! That is fantastic. xx

  3. Wishing your young man a very happy birthday! Well done mum for hosting the perfect party! That cake looks absolutely perfect - I bet they went wild for it! And the black with gold stars is very cool... ;-) Chrissie x

  4. Happy birthday Jamie. Great party and fabulous cake. My grandson will be 9 in June - cannot believe that !!! X

  5. Happy birthday, ten-year-old! That cake looks most inviting Sarah, and the balloons are perfect! XoJoy

  6. That cake is just brilliant. I am totally stashing that idea away for future cake baking needs, thank you! I'm glad your son had such a great day. Every birthday I celebrate for my two makes me stop and marvel at how we ever got to that age... x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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