25 May 2014

Pretty Hexies

It's no secret that I just adore small ditsy prints, I sometimes, just for a fleeting moment wonder if you can have too many, but then when a box full of brand new ones arrive, any doubts swiftly disappear........ I mean just look at those ducks!!!!

Here's another little distraction that kept me busy the other night.........

Hexies.......and the best bit, playing with pretty layouts.  I'm going to be using these for a publication, so unfortunately, I can not show you any more for now, but fingers crossed it will come together exactly how I've envisaged it in my head.

Have a happy Sunday everyone!



  1. Oh I do love those fabrics Sarah and the hexies are so pretty
    Tracey xxx

  2. One can never have too many ditsy prints! They are the perfect antidote to these rainy, grey days! And nothing wrong with showing the Christmas fabric, I keep promising myself that I'll be more organised this year, so best to see them now and get ideas going...Chrissie x

  3. Hello Sarah as always I just love, love, love the fabrics you share! I just want them all! The hexies are gorgeous and am now very curious :-) I never mind Christmas being mentioned as I just love it! Not the modern commercialised sort but certainly beautiful fabrics and all things handmade :-) Hope you've been enjoying a wonderful weekend. Anne x

  4. many gorgeous prints. How do you ever get anything done? I'd just stare at these all day! Nothing wrong with showing us Christmas things - us crafters understand that time and planning are key in these things. I love your hexies. I am building up to a hexie project. :-) xx

  5. I can hardly believe my eyes when looking at your gorgeous fabrics Sarah, I want them all! How do you manage to resist when they are all right there surrounding you! And those hexes are little beauties too - oh go on then, keep tormenting us! Have a wonderful week, xoJoy


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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