25 September 2014

Kiss me under the mistletoe.......

On the day Mum and I opened Pretty Fabrics and Trims we published our very first tutorial, which was for a pretty pocket heart.  The heart was something that I made back in my Little Kitten Homemade days and after my bunting was one of the most popular products available.  The original tutorial can be found on the old shop blog and has proved to be one of the most popular tutorials I've written.  Fast forward two and half years and this morning as I photographed this new mistletoe ribbon, it came to mind wouldn't it it look lovely on a Christmassy themed pocket heart.

So after a quick cheese and marmite toasty for lunch (yummy!!) I dashed up to the sewing room and rustled one up.

 all the instructions including step by step photo's can be found HERE and if you're not quite ready for Christmas crafting, here's one of the originals I made.......
You can find links to all my other tutorials HERE and if you do make something using them, please do send me a picture, I would love to see.  Alternatively, I've just thought of a little hashtag #alittlehappytutorial  that you can use to tag your photo's on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter...... get me I am finally getting with it!

Back soon.....


  1. this is a lovely idea!!!
    thank you, xxxxx Ale

  2. Love your little pocket heart! Very pretty!! Looking forward to making something pretty with my new Tilda fabrics... thank you for the quick delivery! :) x

  3. Beautiful! It would be great to use if giving a gift card or some cash as a gift with the card or cash tucked into the pocket wouldn't it. xx

  4. Love the Tooth fairy ieda, we have only had one tooth lost her amongst two girls to plenty of time for me to whip one up. Jo x

  5. Fab idea...did someone mention cheese and marmite...............? Yum
    and what a superb trim that is featuring the mistletoe..
    bestest daisy j x

  6. I love the colour combination you used here, so peaceful and elegant. It really shows off those gorgeous trims. x


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