19 September 2014

A summer of crafting and a feature

Throughout the summer my sewing machine found a new home on the dining table in our conservatory.  It worked out brilliantly, Poppy was happy to sit at one end keeping herself busy with a crafty project and Jamie.... well like most 10 year old boys he would have been quite happy to sit playing on an electrical device all summer!  (Needless to say this didn't happen!)

My first completed project to share with you (wow that sounds good!) was my Tilda scrappy crossroads quilt which I started back HERE.  This was so much fun to make and I'm pretty certain that another scrappy crossroads will feature in my life, thanks Lori for such a great pattern!

I used a mix of Tilda fabrics in shades of blue, grey and brown, which came from a variety of Tilda collections.  This is what I love about Tilda, the fact that you can mix and match and it just works!
I also pulled some Tilda fabrics for some EPP to take with me on holiday.  I originally planned on this being used for a new roman blind in my downstairs cloakroom, but as I stitch each little hexie (which are half inch in size) I'm thinking that it would be such a shame to have it hidden in the loo, so it may eventually become a new pillow or possibly cover the top of a pretty Lloyd Loom ottoman I have in my living room........ I've been asked on Facebook for a tutorial on how to use these papers, so I'll get one sorted very soon...pinky promise!

Gift making is an ongoing process throughout the year, it is a fact that my children have a better social life than me.  The other weekend, I rustled up this pretty tote bag for Poppy's friend Molly using the stunning Petite Fleur fabrics that arrived this summer.  It was constructed in the same way as I made my Country Girls Tote Bag (click here for the tutorial) The letters, which I drew freehand, were simply adhered using bondaweb, machine stitched in place and then I added some decorative running stitch around the edge.  You can find a tutorial for using bondaweb HERE  For the handle I used navy webbing and some lovely May Arts velvet ribbon.  I love the colours on this bag and I'm desperate to use these fabrics for a new tunic this winter!
My other holiday project was to continue working on my crochet granny square blanket.  The colour scheme is definitely inspired by my Cath Kidston crochet bag and as always I'm using Drops Muskat 100% cotton.  This is such a great pick and put down project and I'm so pleased that I learn't to crochet last summer.

Rather excitingly, I also had a feature in Issue 2 of Hoop-La magazine.  My brief was to use embroidery as part of a functional object.  As with all my tutorials I wanted to keep it simple so that anyone could give it a go, so I came up with a pretty felt phone pouch.  The stitches are french knots, blanket stitch (You can find tutorials for both of these HERE) and some easy straight stitches.  
I'm really happy with my summer of crafting and I'm now looking forward to starting some Autumnal projects...have you noticed there's a slight nip in the air in the evenings and the light is fading so early.  It seemed complete sense to me to therefore start on a brand new quilt.....
Andy asked where this one was going to go?......who knows, but you can never have too many quilts...right?? 


  1. Love all your beautiful Summer projects!! Aren't Tilda fabrics the best?! I have just received a lovely bundle of her new collections from your shop and I can't wait to get started on a new project with them!! :) x

  2. Your summer projects are all so lovely, with beautiful colours as always. I'd love to learn how to make those little hexies and I'm really looking forward to your tutorial. Congratulations again on the Hoop la feature! x

  3. Hi Sarah, just catching up now I am back, I have been reading, just not commenting. It is lovely to see what you have been up to over the summer, everything is so pretty. I especially like the bag and of course your lovely crochet too. I am glad that you learned to crochet!! Well done on being published, your make is lovely. xx


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