6 September 2014

Happy Holidays

14 days in Norfolk, 12 days on the beach..... can't be bad!  Sometimes we were wrapped up in winter coats and hats, other days we totally on our own.....we even had our very own flypast!  We saw a twister and plenty of seahorses gave Andy, Poppy and Jamie lots of fun on their belly boards.  I managed some crochet and sewing, but more of that another day.  We built sandcastles and although they tried their best, they were always lost to the waves, ready to be rebuilt the day after and day after that.... it really was a holiday of happy memories......see you next year Norfolk!


  1. Beautiful pics Sarah!!!!!
    xxxxxxx ale

  2. Happy holidays indeed, and lovely pics! We love Norfolk too. We usually stay in Cromer. Hopefully we can go back before the year ends.By the way, I was very excited to see you featured in the latest Hoopla magazine. Congratulations! x

  3. I have been to that NT property, I can't recall it's name all i can remember is my little one had a melt down there because she didn't want to look around the house with us! good beach stats. We have been to Norfolk twice and really like it. Jo x

  4. Lovely to have you back Sarah, but lovelier to know that you had such a great time and enjoyed yourselves so much!!! xx

  5. Looks and sounds lovely Sarah. My friend is on holiday in Cromer at moment. I've never been to Norfolk - on my to do list. X

  6. It all sounds utterly perfect - so many beautiful photos to remember it all by too.
    Have a good Sunday Sarah,
    Kate x

  7. Your photos are absolutely amazing! So many if them look like they're right out of a dream...and that twister! Wow! Thank you for sharing your *very* happy memories! Chrissie x

  8. Great pics, it looks like you had a lovely time x

  9. Lovely photos. It looks like a really great holiday.

  10. What wonderful photos. It looks outstanding, you clearing had an amazing holiday, and built some impressive sandcastles too. x


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