13 August 2014

Love is all you need......

Last week was all about my brothers wedding, it was without doubt, apart from own, the most emotional wedding that I have ever been too..... I laughed, I cried but most of all I felt such a feeling of joy that they they had found each other......  
It was very much a homemade wedding, Leigh and Paul spent hours working on all the finishing touches, Mum made metres and metres of bunting and table runners and I made the cake (don't look to close!).  I very last minute made my dress, I used my favourite pattern and after deciding it was a little too short added a frill.   Poppy looked gorgeous in her dress and she did lots of twirling, so I think it was a success!

So after a completely amazing day, most sensible people would have had a quiet day after, but no not Mum and I, we boarded a coach at 7.45am and headed off to the NEC for the Festival of Quilts.  Now I would like to say that I have lots of photo's to share, but to be honest I failed on the blogging front as I forgot to take both my Ipad and camera....doh!!!  It was however brilliant....there were so many beautiful quilts on show, so inspiring.  If your on Instagram, pop in the hashtag #foq and you'll be able to get a taste.

On the shopping front I was very restrained, I did however finally get my hands on a copy of Quilty Fun by Lori Holt, which as regular readers will no is one of my favourite bloggers.

On Sunday I couldn't resist making a little project from the book and pulled some of my favourite 30's florals, plus a little Tilda and made the bee block, which I turned in to a little mini quilt, with the addition of some pretty lace and flower wooden buttons......
On the back I added some little pockets at the top corners so that a dowel can be inserted for hanging.  The pretty yellow fabric is some vintage Laura Ashley which use to be curtains in my first flat 20 plus years ago.....I'm a terrible hoarder when it comes to fabric!

So I think that's me all caught up, but just to let you know we're off on our summer holidays on Friday for two weeks, so if you're planning on purchasing a parcel full of loveliness from the website and would like it sent before you go, we'll be packing right up until mid afternoon tomorrow.

See you soon!


  1. The details that you've shown of the wedding look wonderful! The homemade bunting, cake(!!), favours, brooches and dresses added such charm to everything. Love the VW van (my husband & son would love that). Congratulations to your brother and his new wife. You and your mom look lovely, and you look so much alike! I'm sure you've been told this a lot. Great little bee mini quilt ;) Enjoy your holidays Sarah. Wendy x

  2. Such a lovely post! Your dress is gorgeous and the cake looks amazing. All the little touches are beautiful x

  3. Great photos! Love the dress, you did a great job! And the cake is perfection! Love the green. Love all the fun pictures!

  4. So much loveliness and such a busy weekend !!
    Kate x

  5. What a lovely sounding wedding Sarah. You look lovely in your dress and I can't see anything wrong with the cake. All perfect!

  6. A lovely wedding - it's great when people do most of the preparations themselves. Your dress and cake look very nice indeed.

  7. What a wonderful wedding. Everything looks so lovely and the cake is perfect. So nice to see a wedding that has been done this way. You and your mum look lovely as well.
    You were at the NEC - just down the road ( well motorway ) from me- not far at all.
    Have a wonderful holiday. Anne x

  8. Kind of in reverse here! Have a great holiday! Don't worry about being a blogger all the time, just go and enjoy sometimes! Congratulations to your brother and his bride, I hope that they have a wonderful, long and happy marriage full of joy. The wedding looks beautiful, and I love all the little handmade touches that no doubt made it a really personal day. xx

  9. hi Sarah!

    Found your blog via the blog hop of Helen Philips.
    what a nice place to visit;

    Beautiful wedding pictures (so much love in it). Love the VW-car.

    Nice blog.
    I'l be back ,


    Brigitte from Belgium


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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