9 October 2014

Quilty Fun

Hello my name is Sarah and I am a quiltaholic.......... or so it would seem from the number of works in progress I currently have....... I blame the fact that I am surrounded by gorgeous fabric everyday.... I mean just look at this.......

For weeks and weeks I have been seeing snippets of Miss Kate on Instagram being sewn into the most beautiful quilts and pretty things.  So when our bolts arrived last Friday, it was inevitable that I would just have to snaffle some of it and get stitching.  I have been promising Poppy a new snack mat for ages, so I grabbed my Quilt Fun book which I got back here, and chose the super cute Tulip Block.....

 Oh and look, (she says patting herself on the back) a completed project!
Ok..... so we won't talk about this then..........
or maybe we should.......those new Tilda's have been taunting...yes taunting me.... since they arrived a few weeks ago.  I was showing so much self control......I had talked very sternly to myself and had no intention of starting a new quilt until firstly my scrappy trip along was finished, secondly those teeny hexies that I started on holiday had been turned into something pretty and thirdly I had made a few more Farmers Wives Blocks....... but then this happened........
........ honestly they jumped into that basket all by themselves and before I knew it, were cut up  and stitched into a new brick quilt.  Ok so not a finish as such, but that's a quilt front all done...... whooppee......
So as I was stitching the bricks together, I thought to myself wouldn't it be fun to have a bit of a Quilt-a-long kind of thing.......nothing complicated and really aimed for newbie / want-to-be quilters..... so before I knew it, I had bought home yet more fabric...... this time a selection of pretty low volume prints.....
and after a happy few hours yesterday of cutting, stitching, bondawebbing and a little more stitching, this is what I came up with.......
a pretty small size lap / baby quilt.  As you can see it's not finished yet, there's a border to be added, some quilting and finally a binding around the edge.  My thoughts are, that I'll publish some detailed step by step stages, with lots and lots of photo's so that if you've always dreamed of a making a quilt, you may be encouraged to give it a go.

Right I'm off now to write out 100 times......

I must not start another quilty project until these ones are done and dusted
I must not start ano....... Do you think a new crochet project would be ok????

Thanks as always for stopping by!


  1. Love the cute little snack mat that you made! I'm an addict too!

  2. I really love the brick quilt!!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  3. Hi Sarah, yes please to the step by step small (beginners) quilt project, I am excited already, just exactly what I need. Love the heart on the square, so pretty.
    I don't have a lot of space and struggle with time (don't we all) so a talk through a full but small project beginning to end would be fantastic.
    Thank you so much.

  4. It's all so pretty! Love the Quilty Fun tulips of course. And the Tilda is beautiful. I NEVER have too many projects happening at the same time. wink wink.

  5. Both are so lovely Sarah, I cannot imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by such beautiful fabrics all day and not get tempted by them. I really like the way that you quilted the tulips on the diagonal, it gives a lovely different feel to it and adds to the flower shape and gives more dimension somehow! xx

  6. Lovely quilts and fabrics, Sarah! I can see why you are inspired to begin new projects when you are surrounded by so much gorgeous fabric! Enjoy your makes and have a happy week ahead.
    Helen xox

  7. I cann see your dilemma, how do you choose which fabric to buy, easier just to choose them all! Lovely quilts
    Caz xx

  8. I have 6 quilted table mats to finish. And a quilted bag. there isn't much more to do but I just keep on crocheting. And starting something else to crochet. And planning the next thing to crochet!

  9. Oh Sarah - soooooo much loveliness, you are so clever ! Your work is so perfectly detailed, I love it.
    Oh and never say never to starting a new crochet project,
    Have lots of quilty fun,
    Kate x

  10. These are all so, so lovely but I think I like the brick one best of all. I have a drawer FULL of fabric scraps, enough for a few quilts, but I am a bit scared. It must be a nightmare for you, working with all these amazing fabrics, just tempting you all day long! x

  11. Such beautiful quilts! No wonder you can't stop! Just gorgeous. And i say a definite YES to starting a new crochet project....
    Marianne x


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