5 September 2016

A Hexie a Day ~ Progress Report

I am slowly and steadily stitching away on my 'A hexie a day' project.  Some days I've stitched one flower, some days two and other days there just hasn't been a moment...but I am completely fine with that.  My main aim for this project is to enjoy the process from choosing the fabrics for each flower...who knew choosing just two fabrics could take so long..... and taking pleasure in each and every stitch.

The obvious plus point of now having 29 flowers is the ability to stack them....I'm like a child with wooden blocks...I find it very therapeutic to do, my favouite way being to put them in rainbow order...everything is always better in a rainbow, don't you think? 

I've added some pretty reds into the mix.... they're from High Tea, by Jera Brandvig.  I think they work well with the brown and dark green and balance out the dark/mid/light tones, what do you think? With this being a long term project, for me, one of the great joys will be adding in more pretty fabrics as I progress.

The little hexie flowers now fill a corner of my tin...very satisfying I must say!  I've not started to sew them together yet, I think I still want to wait awhile so that I can get a good balance of colours before I commit to their final positions.  In the meanwhile I shall just keep stitching...slow and steady.

In other news, the summer holidays have drawn to a close.  Jamie returns to school tomorrow and Poppy went back to school today, she was even ready early, I'm not sure how long that will last!  I'm really pleased that she still wanted to use the PE bag I made her when she started in Reception.  This bag is now entering it's 5th school year and has been through the wash on numerous occasions and it's standing up well....
Here's some close ups from when it was made.  The fabrics for the appliques were a mix of 30's reproductions and pretty Leciens, so you can see my taste is fabric hasn't really changed!
The letters and shapes were simply adhered using Bondaweb and then hand appliqued in place.  If you fancy having a go, you can find a Back Stitch tutorial HERE and a Blanket Stitch tutorial HERE.

With the children back to school, it's all go with preparations for the up coming Block of the Month.  If you've reserved a place, keep an eye out for a newsletter which will be hitting your 'in boxes' fingers crossed later this week.

I've also been slowly stitching my Flirty 30's Dresdens, so I'll be back to share them soon.

Until next time!

Scrummy Supplies

Paper Pieces can be found HERE
Glue Pens and Refills can be found HERE
Aurifil Thread can be found HERE


  1. Hope your children enjoy their new term at school! Your hexies are looking fabulous... I like them in a stack too! Christine x

    1. Thanks Christine, I think they were pleased to go back! Thoroughly enjoying making my hexies. Sarah xo

  2. Such loveliness... beautiful hexies and so pleased the bag is still loved😀 is that a @sewsweetviolet butterfly pic I spy... loving the Hexies a day project xx

    1. Hi Sue, good spot...yes the lovely Jooles gifted it to me.. what a lucky duck I am!!! Sarah xo


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