24 September 2016

A Little Happy Sew Along ~ Merry Christmas Mini Quilt

I'm really excited to share my finished Merry Christmas Mini Quilt!  For those of you who follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, you've been seeing little snippets of this over the last couple of months as I slowly planned and stitched.

It combines a whole host of my favourite things....machine piecing, applique, embroidery, English paper piecing and felt...all in just over nine and half inches!  I initially thought it would be fun to share this as a pattern, but then as I know from speaking to lots of you that some of these techniques are new to you, so I decided to run it as a Sew Along and break down all the elements so that it's an achievable finish for all!

Does that sound like fun?

As you can see, I used a real scrappy mix of rich reds, creams and taupey greys for mine, my favourite Christmas colour scheme.  The fabrics mostly being French General and Minick and Simpson... this one will be hanging in my house this Christmas!  

I mentioned when I was sharing little snippets of the quilt, that mum and I were going to prepare some kits that would include all the fabrics, ribbons, buttons, felt and wadding that I used.  Oh my we were completely blown away by how many of you wanted one....thank you...thank you....thank you!  When stitching my mini I used ribbon from my personal stash.....initially I used a sweet elf ribbon...those kits were all reserved in a flash.... I then moved on to the lovely reindeer ribbon.... these have also all been reserved...... so my third batch of kits will now include this pretty snowflake cotton ribbon and are available to purchase HERE.  For those of you that reserved a, Elf or Reindeer kit, I'll be in touch this weekend.  Just to say the kits do not include any threads or applique materials for example sew in interfacing or Bondaweb.  I'll link to these at the bottom of this Blog post.
Obviously this project would also be an excellent opportunity to do some festive scrap busting, so go and gather!  Cutting instructions will follow in the first Sew Along post next Friday.

Did you notice the pretty heart hanger I used to display mine with?  I love these hangers and have mini quilts hanging from them throughout the shop and my home!  They're fantastic as you're able to ring the changes simply by unclipping your quilt.
So here's the Sew Along schedule:

Friday 30th September ~ Cutting Instructions and Piecing the Mini Quilt Top
Friday 7th October ~ Applique (I'll give several options) and Hexies
Friday 14th October ~ Embroidery
Friday 21st October ~ Felt Stockings
Friday 28th October ~ Finishing Touches

Obviously the aim of the Sew Along is to have fun and whilst there is a schedule, by all means sew along at your own pace!

Right that's it for now, hope you fancy stitching along with me!


  1. What a beautiful little quilt Sarah! It is perfect to try different techniques and won't take up too much time.... I'll definitely be trying to sew-a-long! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Christine x

  2. Im so excited about this sew-along! As always, your projects are stunning!!! Can't wait to get started!

  3. Hello Sarah,
    I love that beautiful little christmas quilt, thanks for sharing!

  4. This is really beautiful, and how generous of you to share it with us! It looks like it is fun to make.

  5. I am making a start on mine now....

  6. Thanks Sarah!
    Almost Christmas!It's November 2017! I just discovered this via via blogland!
    It looks like it will be fun to make!
    Thanks for sharing!
    would love to share it on my blog! May I?
    from The Netherlands

  7. Hi Sarah,
    I'd be placing a link back to your blog, not using any of your photo's!
    take care,

    1. Hi Joanne, thank you so much and yes of course it's ok to share and if you would like to grab a photo that's fine too. Thank you for asking!! Sarah xo


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

Update July 2020: Unfortunately, due to a large increase in spam and inappropriate comments, I have turned on 'Comment Moderation', so your comment will not appear immediately. My apologies for this!

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