8 November 2016

Quilt Petite Blog Hop

Thank you for joining me today for my stop on the Quilt Petite Blog Hop.  Having been a huge fan of Sedef for some time now....what can I say....she has perfect taste when it comes to picking pretty fabrics, she takes really pretty photo's and her attention to detail is impeccable.....all the things I love!

I was obviously sooooo excited when she announced that she was writing a book with Tuva Publishing...another perfect match as they publish the most fabulous sewing books..... I just knew it was going to be good!  I was not disappointed....Quilt Petite is crammed full of the prettiest projects including mini quilts, place mats,dolls quilts and lots more.  The projects include a good mix for all abilities, making it suitable for both beginner and more experienced sewers alike.  As I am 'all' for getting people sewing, I really love the clearly written instructions for each project, which are also supported by a very thorough techniques section and to cap it all, there are full size templates included...yay!!!.

So do you want to see what I made.........

After much deliberation, I chose to make the Flower Potholder from P.63 but as you can see, I put a festive twist on it and chose a bright and cheery red and green scheme combined with Mochi Dots linen.  The 1930's reproduction fabrics I used were a combination of 'Little Joys' by Elea Lutz for Penny Rose Fabrics and 'Storybook Christmas' from Windham Fabrics, plus the fabulous bias stripe is from Sedef's own 'Sweet Orchard' collection for Riley Blake.
The pot holder calls for an English Paper Piecing design to be appliqued on to the front of the pot holder, I deviated slightly from the examples shown in the book and created a festive star design and used a mix of a 3/4" hexie with 3/4" half hexies and 1 1/2" equilateral triangles..... I'm really happy with how it turned out...

Another feature of the pot holder that I particularly like, are the curved edges along the bottom......I know these might appear slightly daunting, but let me reassure you, Sedef has provided very easy instructions on how to deal with these.

I can not wait to have this hanging in my kitchen this Christmas......but lets be honest about this..... there is absolutely no way this is going to be used...ever...anyone found using it.....or just to be clear...... even pointing it in the direction of a roasting tin, will be instantly put on washing up duty! It's far to pretty to use!

The blog hop continues everyday until the 11th December and there will be a whole host of super talented bloggers sharing what they have made from the book. I've popped at list below and you must go and take a peek at what Wynn made yesterday and I'm super excited to see what my fellow bloggers will create...... Bridgette at The Family Hearth is up tomorrow, so I'm sure we are in for a treat:  

November 6: Sedef at Down Grapevine Lane (intro + giveaway)
November 7: Wynn at Zakka Art 
November 8: Sarah at A Little Happy Place
November 9: Bridgette at The Family Hearth
November 10: Heidi at Fabric Mutt
November 11: Minki at Minki's Work Table
November 12: Ange at A Little Patchwork
November 13: Lauren at Molly and Mama
November 14: Michelle at Cole & Taffy
November 15: Nadra at Ellis & Higgs
November 16: Amy at Nana Company
November 17: Faith at Sarana Ave
November 18: Debbie at Happy Little Cottage
November 19: Erin at Why Not Sew
November 20: Amanda at Jedi Craft Girl
November 21: Melissa at Oh How Sweet
November 22: Stacy at Stacy Olson Design
November 23: Ayda at Cafe Nohut
November 24: Peta at She Quilts A Lot
November 25: Amanda at A Crafty Fox
November 26: Keera at Live Love Sew
November 27: Sharon at Lilabelle Lane
November 28: Kate at The Homemakery
November 29: Jemima at Tied With A Ribbon
November 30: Jodie at Ric Rac
December 1: Anorina at Samelia's Mum
December 2: Alisha at Ministry of Fabric
December 3: Xanthe at Wife-made
December 4: Cheri at Tinker With This
December 5: Kristyne at Pretty By Hand
December 6: Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop
December 7: Veronica at Vivid Felicity
December 8: Shari at Doohikey Designs
December 9: Jina at Jina Barney Designz
December 10: Emma at Emma Jean Jansen
December 11: Sedef at Down Grapevine Lane (wrap up + giveaway winner)

To celebrate the launch of her book, Sedef is also having a Giveaway on her blog where there is a wonderful prize including a copy of the book and Zakka goodies up for grabs!

UK peeps, as well as all the normal sources, the book is also available to purchase on our website.

Thank you for joining me today and I hope that you are looking forward to the rest of the Blog Hop!  Finally before I go, a big thank you to Sedef for inviting me to take part and celebrate the launch of her fabulous book and thank you also to Tuva for sending me my copy!

Happy Stitches!



  2. Pretty, no way should the pot holder be used!

  3. Very pretty and your right to pretty to use :)

  4. Stopping by to check out your project in the blog hop. Your pot holder is so cute! I am inspired to make one like this as well. Thanks!

  5. Pretty nice.And love it for a Christmas decor.

  6. Stealing your idea - making these as Christmas gifts but unlike you I want them used. LOL - I like them better with a little wear and tear.

  7. I wouldn't let anyone use the post holder either, way too good for that. x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

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