21 March 2017

Happy Flower Quilt-A-long Week 3

This weeks block for the Happy Flower Quilt-A-long has always been one of my favourites from the very first time I saw the sampler quilt on the cover of the 'Pink Book'!

Again I was able to use the interfacing method of applique, but I think this the leaf on top of the strawberry was just about as small as I could go using this method and hooray for my chop stick, which did sterling service helping me to turn through!

Ordinarily it usually takes almost as long to choose my fabrics as it does to actually make the block.....this week however, I knew exactly the look I wanted and is possibly my fastest fabric pull ever.

This week also featured the first little bit of embroidery, for this I used Aurifil 12wt in #1114.

I look forward to sharing next weeks block with you, it's my first fabric fussy cut one and I've just the perfect fabric in mind.  Don't forget to take a peek at the  #happyflowerqal ...there are some lovely blocks to be seen!

Happy stitches!

1 comment

  1. Oh, so lovely and the backgroundfabric is just cute!


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