3 June 2022

Platinum Jubilee Weekend ~ A FREE Union Jack Heart 'little happy' Embroidery Pattern


As we enjoy our wonderful Queens Platinum Jubilee, it occurred to me that you may enjoy some celebratory happy stitches. Originally included on my  #sewalittlehappinesseveryday sampler, I thought that this Union Jack heart would be a perfect and a fun stitch this weekend!

You can download the FREE pattern on our website HERE.

Wishing you lots of happy stitches,

Sarah xo



  1. this is really Sweet
    Thank you for sharing the pattern. Happy Queen's Platinum Jubilee
    She is so wonderful.

  2. whoua superbe broderie

    bonne journée


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

Update July 2020: Unfortunately, due to a large increase in spam and inappropriate comments, I have turned on 'Comment Moderation', so your comment will not appear immediately. My apologies for this!

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