22 July 2013

Busy Busy Busy.....

Saturday morning, it is fair to say was not good, it should have been, Andy came home.  The children having hardly seen him for 3 weeks, due to night shifts, airshows, golf, detachments argued constantly trying to grab his attention.  I was caught up dealing with a work issue that needed my immediate attention, tempers were fraying, it was hot, there were get the picture!!  A change of scenery was required and in the afternoon, we headed out in to the fields, it's amazing how just getting outside can change things.  The children ran and ran, laughed, enjoyed each others company and held hands...... all was well again.

On a stitching note, I finished this little piece which I sketched last weekend.  At the moment I haven't quite decided what to stitch along the bottom, something pretty and sentimental, I think.

I've also been working on a commision for 'You are my Sunshine' .

Some gorgeous new Tilda fabrics arrived for Pretty Fabrics and Trims, are they not just the prettiest.  I'm imaging Poppy wearing a dress in this one already!

Finally, I wanted to share this picture.  I gathered the petals off the back lawn from the wild rose that grows in the hedgerow at the bottom of the garden.  I never cease to find it amazing how nature can provide the most wonderful inspiration.......



  1. Ah! I love your embroidery! It is just so pretty! I have so nearly finished my hexie quilt and then I will be purchasing one of your patterns to embroider! I'm still deciding which one to do first though!! xx

    1. Thank you Karen, oh how exciting to get to the end of project. I can not wait to see the quilt, I am sure it is gorgeous! Thank you for your very kind words about my embroideries, I hope that you fun stitching, whichever one you decide upon. Sarah xo

  2. I am in love with your blog. Such lovely photos, and the stitchery-well, I couldn't scroll any further for a moment...I just adore embroidery work. Oh so glad I found you/you found me via The Fernery--thank you so much for leaving me a note. :)

    1. Hello Natalie, thank you so much for popping over to visit and your very kind words! I love taking photo's so having somewhere to share them is great, rather than them sitting there filling up the memory on my computer. I too shall enjoy visiting your blog. Well done Lisa for introducing us. Sarah xo


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

Update July 2020: Unfortunately, due to a large increase in spam and inappropriate comments, I have turned on 'Comment Moderation', so your comment will not appear immediately. My apologies for this!

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