24 May 2014


I've been totally distracted by this....

I happened across the pattern for this mini quilt whilst on Instagram the other night....isn't it gorgeous.  I tried to show some restraint as I have so many works in progress at the moment, but try as a might, I kept thinking about it....... so what's a girl supposed to it of course!!!!  I then for just a fleeting moment thought I would put it to one side.... but as I was cutting some Pam Kitty Picnic yesterday for an order I just knew it would be perfect..... what do you think?

I also used some Kona Snow, Kona Mocha and some Tilda Mini Red Spots.  I just need to decide whether to machine or hand quilt....

Have a great Saturday.


  1. Such a pretty little quilt Sarah.
    Kate x

  2. Hi Sarah,
    Your quilt is a great taste of summer !!!
    Miss xx

  3. I can totally see why you were distracted Sarah!! It is very pretty indeed and so summery. Love your coaster too! xx

  4. beautiful!!!!!
    happy weekend, xxxxxx Ale

  5. No wonder you were distracted it is gorgeous!!! :-) x

  6. Very, very sweet! Of course you'd stop everything for this! And you've whipped it up so quickly, one can hardly fault you for putting other WIPs to the side...and I can't wait to see what's new in the shop! Chrissie xxx

  7. I'd be quite distracted too... it's ever so sweet :-)
    Tracey xxx

  8. I would've been distracted too - it's a lovely pattern in gorgeous colours. x

  9. AnonymousMay 27, 2014

    Your quilt is so pretty and completey distracted me this morning as well! The pattern is lovely and so summery. I love you coaster, I may have to raid the hama beads :-) xxxxx

  10. OHMYGOSH SO CUTE!!! How did I not know you had a blog.. lame on my part!

  11. So lovely! I have only just discovered your blog (and shop) and love everything I see.
    Now a blog follower and an Instagram follower too :)


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