1 April 2020

A week of happy stitches.....

There's been a flurry of stitches this last few days...  I am trying to divert my attention from obsessively watching the news.   I am thoroughly enjoying my  #SEWALITTLEHAPPINESSEVERDAY sampler project and it is totally amazing how many people have joined in....thank you!!!  Please can I ask a little favour, when sharing your pictures...... please can you link back to me, either on Instagram or on Facebook and direct them to here at the blog.  I would hate for people not to be able to join in because they can not find all the information.  All posts about this project can be found HERE

I have also been stitching slowly away on my Floral Alphabet Sampler... the alphabet so far is:

A is for Angelica
B is Bluebells
C is for Crabapple Blossom
D is for Daffodils
E is for Erigeron
F is for Foxgloves
G is for Geranium
H is for Holly
I is for Ivy
J is for Jacobs Ladder
K is for Kingcup
L is for Lily of the Valley
M is for Marshnallow
N is Nasturcium Officinale (not the bright orange ones!)
O is for Ox-eye Daisy
P is for Poppy (it had to be didn't it!)

This will be a new printed panel with detailed instructions for each of the flowers, plus option to add on the pretty embroidery threads, once I've finished mine.

March on my embroidered Phenology Wheel is now complete.  The blossom has definitely lifted the spirits whilst out walking and we've been spotting Blue tits in the garden almost on a daily basis...aren't they the prettiest.  Mum was saying this morning that she's hopeful that she has a nesting pair in one of their bird boxes...wouldn't that be marvellous!  If you want to join in the Embroidery Phenology Wheel project, you can find the printed fabric HERE.

Finally, I know some of you may have been looking today, to join the Secret Squirrel Stitch Society club.  We've decided that the right thing to do at the moment is to postpone the start date...we're just concerned that we may not be able to get all the supplies required for us to fulfil the club in June and the last thing we would want to do is let anyone down.  Rest assured it is not cancelled, I have completed the Summer projects and Autumn's are almost ready for stitching.  All our other clubs are continuing as normal.

Wishing you all good health and lots of happy stitches,
Sarah xo


  1. All of these stitchery projects are so different yet each one is so beautiful. It is restful to see them all and imagine you serenely stitching them.

  2. So much loveliness. We all need this extra prettiness and happiness in our lives right now. Thank you for sharing all of this inspiration. x

  3. Sarah, your embroidery is exceptional, so exquisite I want to look at it all day to make me happy.
    We have sunshine and very windy wind blowing cherry blossoms around like snow, in Northern Virginia


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day! If you have a question, please do ask away and I will do my very best to answer. Sarah xo

Update July 2020: Unfortunately, due to a large increase in spam and inappropriate comments, I have turned on 'Comment Moderation', so your comment will not appear immediately. My apologies for this!

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