28 May 2014

Party Time

My gorgeous son is 10 this did that happen I ask.  Yesterday we had some of his friends over.... they 'of a sorts' watched the original Michael Keaton Batman DVD, had a football tournament on the Wii, ate a ton of popcorn, Doritos's, demolished pizza's and icecream, drank copious amounts of fizzy drinks and made a lot and I mean a lot of noise!

Jamie said it was brilliant, so that's pretty perfect in my book!

May all your wishes come true!!!!


25 May 2014

Pretty Hexies

It's no secret that I just adore small ditsy prints, I sometimes, just for a fleeting moment wonder if you can have too many, but then when a box full of brand new ones arrive, any doubts swiftly disappear........ I mean just look at those ducks!!!!

Here's another little distraction that kept me busy the other night.........

Hexies.......and the best bit, playing with pretty layouts.  I'm going to be using these for a publication, so unfortunately, I can not show you any more for now, but fingers crossed it will come together exactly how I've envisaged it in my head.

Have a happy Sunday everyone!


24 May 2014


I've been totally distracted by this....

I happened across the pattern for this mini quilt whilst on Instagram the other night....isn't it gorgeous.  I tried to show some restraint as I have so many works in progress at the moment, but try as a might, I kept thinking about it....... so what's a girl supposed to it of course!!!!  I then for just a fleeting moment thought I would put it to one side.... but as I was cutting some Pam Kitty Picnic yesterday for an order I just knew it would be perfect..... what do you think?

I also used some Kona Snow, Kona Mocha and some Tilda Mini Red Spots.  I just need to decide whether to machine or hand quilt....

Have a great Saturday.

13 May 2014

Snippets of a rainbow.....

So far this week I've......

...... been stitching a rainbow (the Cheerio Mini quilt designed by Camille Roskelly from this months Love Patchwork and Quilting Magazine design )

.....playing with a rainbow...just because.....

..... unpicking a rainbow of Cub badges from an outgrown cub jumper......

......and stitching them back on a brand new one lots bigger, using a rainbow of threads......
.......and believing that dreams that you dare to dream really do come true...

7 May 2014

Made with love.....


Just a super quick post to share Mum's little lap quilt, although I should really call it a knee quilt, it measures just 27" square, but it is just the right size for her and what she wanted it for.  I wanted it to be extra pretty so I added some cotton lace to the edge before sewing the binding.  Wouldn't something similar look lovely on a dolls quilt.  I can not say just how much I love the binding, diagonal stripes....sigh!!! Maybe on my next quilty project I should do something different to stripes, but then again......

I also wanted to let you know that I had not forgotten about my promise to share how I make my easy peasy little tote bags.  I rustled this one up over the weekend and I've taken lots of photo's, so as soon as I've got them in to some sort of order I'll publish a little tutorial........

I hope that you're having a great week, back soon!


3 May 2014

A little gift

Thanks so much for all your lovely and encouraging comments on my last post.  I know that I am very lucky...... not only am I blessed with the most fabulous family, I truly love my role as a mum, I also have a dream job!  Like many of you crafting comes after all of this, but it is equally a huge...massive part of my life.  I do not think there are many days that pass when I do not do something creative, whether that be embroidery, sketching, sewing or crochet....not wishing to sound selfish, it is something that I need to do for me.... it's my time and it's what keeps me happy and sane..... oh yes indeedy!

This week my precious crafting time has all been about this little quilt.  Mum mentioned that she would like a little lap quilt, something just big enough to place over her knees on an evening (and not smother Dad!!) ...... she suffers with arthritis and at the end of a busy day keeping her joints warm, alleviates some of the pain.  I had some  3" squares left from my Aunt Grace quilt and rather fortuitously we took delivery this week of a couple more bolts of fabrics from the Grandma's Garden collection...the two on the left.........   

Obviously I could not resist (can you blame me!!) and snaffled some for my stash.... I set to cutting out some more 3" squares and pierced together a simple square block to which I added some low volume borders.  Then, whilst catching up on some recorded Endeavours...just as good as Morse and Lewis in my book.....I've been hand quilting......... 

I've just about finished and then I've got plans for something a little special before I bind this space.......

Have a fabulous weekend!

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